Home Coronavirus Vaccination continues this weekend – AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer available to the public

Vaccination continues this weekend – AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer available to the public

Vaccination sites will this weekend open to the public as the Ministry of Health and Wellness continues its efforts to safeguard Jamaicans against COVID-19.

Persons 18 years and older may visit a vaccination site to receive the AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, or the Sinopharm vaccine. Jamaicans 12 years and older will also continue to be offered the first and second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Persons are asked to take a government-issued ID or a letter from a Justice of the Peace, their vaccination card, in the case of a second dose, and their child’s birth certificate to the vaccination site.

Members of the public are reminded that they are not fully vaccinated until they have received the full dosage of the above-mentioned vaccines.

At the same time, persons are being urged to remain vigilant in their practice of the infection prevention and control measures put in place to reduce the spread of infections, that is, washing or sanitizing hands, avoiding crowds, wearing a face mask and keeping a physical distance of six feet apart from others. These protocols still apply, whether persons have received the first or second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster.

Details of this weekend’s sites may be viewed at vaccination.moh.gov.jm or the Ministry’s social media pages. The schedule is also available below.

Vaccination Sites: January 22 – 23, 2022