Home Career Opportunities Health Status Monitoring Officer (GMG/SEG 2) (Contract)

Health Status Monitoring Officer (GMG/SEG 2) (Contract)


The Jamaican health system relies on the appropriate use of indicators in order to monitor and improve the health system’s performance, health outcomes and health status of the population. The Ministry of Health and Wellness seeks to strengthen its capacity to monitor and assess Jamaica’s health status at the national level. This is to facilitate the timely evidence-based development of appropriate policies, programmes and interventions.

The Health Status Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Health and Wellness is responsible for the coordination, monitoring, assessment, and reporting of the country’s population health status. To this end the Ministry of Health and Wellness wishes to engage a Health Status Monitoring Officer to support the monitoring and assessment activities of the HSMU.



  1. To consistently monitor, assess and report on Jamaica’s population health
  2. To develop and maintain the compendium of indicators and associated data dictionary to ensure that they are up to date with industry standards
  3. To engage partners in obtaining relevant meta data for calculation of indicators
  4. Support health status monitoring assessment activities
  5. To compile the over 250 health indicators (National & International) with the most current available data.


Scope of Work

  • Review relevant documents to inform the development of the framework of national health indicators. These documents include:
    1. Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan
    2. The Ministry of Health’s Strategic Business Plan
    3. The Health Agenda of the Americas 2008-2017; PAHO Strategic Plan 2014-2019 − Outcome and Impact Indicators Compendium
    4. JAMSTATS database
    5. Standard Definitions of Vital Statistics and Vital Events
  • Disaggregate and report indicators by type – output, outcome, impact and process
  • Draft the Compendium of National Health Indicators to monitor outcomes, impact, and performance of the health sector.
  • Gather information from various sources to compile the most current data for the over 250 health indicators.
  • Supports the development and operationalization of the health status monitoring framework and supporting
  • Prepare a dissemination plan.
  • Disseminate reports on health status.
  • Provide training and mentoring to partners and staff to ensure the implementation of strong health status monitoring systems.
  • Contribute to the preparation of the Ministry’s strategic business and operational plan.
  • Develop links with and ensure effective collaboration through working partnerships with other agencies:
  • Identifying opportunities for having public health issues evaluated as a joint activity.
  • Accessing data generated on public health services provided to ensure quality and completeness of any information generated.
  • Liaise with research institutions to co-ordinate the implementation of projects to implement the health status monitoring research agenda, collates and analyses research findings.



Internal and External Contacts

  1. Internal Contacts
Contact (Title)


Purpose of Communication
 Chief Medical Officer Provide advice on health status monitoring. Obtain advice, receive directives and guidance, information regarding portfolio, and provide feedback regarding health analysis.
Branch Heads/Directors or their representatives Provide advice on health status monitoring. Obtain advice, receive guidance, information regarding portfolio, and provide feedback.
Senior Medical Officer of Health, Health Informatics Collaborate in defining the health status monitoring needs.
Divisional Directors or their representatives. Provide advice on health status monitoring. Obtain advice, receive guidance, work assignment, information regarding portfolio, and provide feedback.
Branches Policy, Planning and Development Collaborate on the health status monitoring
Staff in the  Systems and Information Technology Branch To define database required to support health status monitoring activities.
Directors, Regional Health Authorities and Chief Executive Officers of Agencies Matters relating to health status monitoring activities.




  1. External Contacts
Contact (Title) Purpose of Communication
 Planning Institute of Jamaica: Director Social Policy Planning and Research, Director Population & Health and Health Specialist or their representatives. Consultation on policies relating to health, collaborate in health status monitoring and obtaining meta data for health status indicators.
Statistical Institute of Jamaica: Director Censuses, Demographic & Social Statistics, Director Research, Design & Evaluation or their representative. Consultation on policies relating to health, collaborate in health status monitoring and obtaining meta data for health status indicators.
Registrar General Department: Manager, Civil Registration & Statistics or representative. Consultation on vital statistics, policies relating to health, collaborate in health status monitoring and obtaining meta data for health status indicators.
Private health facilities/institutions Consultation on policies relating to health, collaborate in health status monitoring and obtaining meta data for health status indicators.
Academic institutions: researchers Consultation on policies relating to health, collaborate in health status monitoring and obtaining meta data for health status indicators.


Responsibilities of the Ministry of Health and Wellness

  • The Ministry of Health and Wellness will provide access to the Health Status Monitoring Officer to the relevant personnel and other resources to facilitate completion of specified The Ministry will also provide guidance and feedback to ensure adequacy of work outputs.


Responsibility of the Health Status Monitoring Officer

  • The Officer will ensure that (i) assigned tasks and regular duties are effectively carried out in accordance with the standards and principles of the Ministry of Health and Wellness (ii) support is provided to sub­ national teams in a timely manner and (iii) confidentiality is maintained in the execution of duties.


Accountability and Reporting Systems

  • Services will be contracted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The Officer will report to the Director, Health Status Monitoring Unit.



Table 1. Deliverables

Deliverable Due
Performance Management Appraisal System workplan Annually
Health Status Monitoring Reports    Monthly, Quarterly& Annually
Health Status Monitoring Stakeholder engagement and training plan including revisions. 1st quarter of the fiscal year
Compendium of health indicators developed, reviewed and updated 2nd quarter then biannual revisions
The preparation of reference manual including associated data dictionaries and periodic updates 3rd quarter then biannual revisions
Health status monitoring framework gap analysis report 3rd quarter then annually
Health Status Monitoring Report dissemination plan 1st quarter then biannual revisions
Other assigned duties Per assigned deadlines


Eligibility Requirements

Qualifications and Experience

  • University degree (Masters) in Public Health, Epidemiology or relevant areas of study or
  • Two years or more experience in Research and or Monitoring and Evaluation and or



The contract period is for three (3) years and is valued at $2,405,208.00 per annum.

Applications with résumés are to be submitted no later than Friday, May 6, 2022 to:


Human Resource Management & Development
Ministry of Health & Wellness
Kingston 10


The Ministry of Health thanks all applicants for their interest; however, please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.