Home Career Opportunities Consultant – Web Developer (JCCM) HIV/STI/TB Unit

Consultant – Web Developer (JCCM) HIV/STI/TB Unit


The Jamaica Country Coordinating Mechanism (JCCM) is an independent multi-sectoral entity comprising representatives from sectors involved in the response to the diseases from the government, private and technical sectors, and the civil society including people living with HIV and AIDS. One of its primary functions is to submit funding applications to the Global Fund on behalf of the entire country. The Secretariat of the JCCM has responsibility for the day-to-day functions of the JCCM with a primary role in coordination and oversight of the activities of its constituent entities.


The Secretariat seeks to employ a consultant to design and develop its website to increase the entity’s visibility.

Scope of Work

The Consultant will be responsible for the development of a modern website using an approved content management system. This website will host the content provided by the JCCM and meet the objectives stated above. The Consultant is expected to design, implement, and provide hosting options (including the annual costing for such options). At the end of the Consultancy, a fully functional website is expected to be provided to the JCCM.


The Consultant has discretion on how the activities related to the development of the website are completed.

Specific Activities:

The Consultant is expected to:

  • Design and develop the JCCM website using a user-friendly Content Management System
  • Deliver creative and innovative ideas for the CMS’s electronic, web-based, and graphical presentations.
  • Produce a clean and crisp implementation of the web design
  • Ensure website integrity and security using industry standards
  • Ensure that the website is consistent across all browser platforms including laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Ensure affordable and consistent hosting of the website.

Delivery Schedule

Deliverable Due date Budget % Review Period
Develop a work plan and detailed methodology for project execution. One week after contract signing 20% 2 days
·         Create wireframes, storyboards and prototypes to propose options for implementation.

·         Produce a first draft of the website under the direction of the JCCM Secretariat


·         Develop corresponding user interface components (web templates, style sheets, scripts, images, etc,) as needed

Four weeks after contract signing 50% 5 days
User Acceptance Testing and training on content management. Eight weeks after contract signing 30% 1 day


Acceptance Criteria for Deliverables

All deliverables are subject to review to ensure that the objectives of the Consultancy are being met within the specified timeframe. The deliverables will be reviewed by the Executive Committee on which approval / feedback will be communicated through the Administrative Coordinator.


Timeline for Consultancy

The Consultancy will start on the January 1st, 2023, and end on the 31st of March 2023.

Reporting Relationship

The Consultant shall report directly to the Administrative Coordinator, JCCM and indirectly to the Executive Committee, JCCM.


Payments will be made to the Consultant after completing the assignment and submitting related invoices per the deliverables table above.

Specific Inputs

No specific provisions will be required for the completion of this Consultancy.

Required Qualifications

The successful applicant will have the following qualifications and experience:

  • BSc in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
  • Work experience as a website developer for a minimum of 3 years using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Demonstrable experience in working with and creating modern websites.
  • Demonstrably experience working with content management systems such as WordPress.
  • Expertise in web programming and scripting languages (e.g., JavaScript, Python)
  • Proficiency in modern frontend technologies such as ES6, modern CSS & HTML features
  • Familiarity with website best practices and tools
  • Experience with Linux based deployments
  • Good understanding of new and evolving technologies and digital platforms
  • Be organized, creative, proactive and flexible
  • Possess own work tools and work space

Evaluation Criteria

Project proposals will be reviewed and scored against the criteria outlined below:

  Proposals will be evaluated based on:
  Evaluation Criteria* Max. Score Actual Score
  BSc in Computer Science, Engineering or relevant  or equivalent experience in computer science, information technology or a related field 30  
  Work experience as a website developer for a minimum of 3 years using HTML, CSS and JavaScript 30  
  Expertise in at least one popular CMS platform 40  
  Total Score 100  

Specific Terms and Conditions

All content, digital and otherwise remains the sole property of the JCCM.


Applications must be submitted via email no later than December 19, 2022 via email to:

Director, Human Resource Management & Development

Ministry of Health & Wellness

10A Chelsea Avenue, Kingston 10

Email address: jobapplications.moh@gmail.com

Please note that responses will be sent to short- listed applicants only