Home Tenders TERMS OF REFERENCE – Project Officer

TERMS OF REFERENCE – Project Officer



Public institutional medicine was first established in Jamaica with the opening of the Kingston Public Hospital on December 14, 1776. In 1859, the hospital began offering 24-hour service seven days per week. A number of buildings were added in the 20th century, the original design of which catered to the tropical climate in which the facility is located. In 1936, the then Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Westmoreland separated surgical from medical cases for the first time. Four new operating theatres were built in 1962, in addition to the two previously built in 1928.


The Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) is located in the South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA), which is a statutory body of the Ministry of Health and Wellness. SERHA is one of four Regional Health Authorities formed pursuant to the promulgation of the National Health Services Act,1997. SERHA is responsible for the delivery of health care services to the residents of St. Catherine, St. Thomas, Kingston, and St. Andrew. This represents 47% of the population of Jamaica.


KPH has evolved into the largest multidisciplinary hospital in the Government Health Service as well as the largest trauma centre in the public hospital system. The facility is the main provider of critical services such as Hemodialysis and Radiotherapy for Jamaica and the English-speaking Caribbean. The facility is identified as the Public Hospital of South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) and is classified as a ‘Type A’ Hospital providing tertiary care, in-and outpatient. It has a bed capacity of 455 and the services provided are as follows: 


Diagnostic imaging 

Pain management services 

Diagnostic laboratory




Medical and Surgery 



Nephrology dialysis 







General and emergency surgery 

Ear Nose Throat Surgery 



Anaesthesia and intensive care



The Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) is mandated to ensure the provision of quality health services and to promote healthy lifestyles and environmental practices. Over the years, tremendous efforts have been made with the aim of rehabilitation of the facilities of the Kingston Public Hospital. The Government, with the help of a number of stakeholders, have made significant investments in restoration of the waiting area, bathrooms, and the operating theatres. 


Notwithstanding the foregoing, services continue to be hampered by many issues, inter alia, inadequate financial resources for rehabilitation and purchase of equipment and its maintenance, infrastructural damages caused by weathering and design deficiencies, outdated infrastructural characteristics which are no longer permitted and insufficient access to parking subsequently resulting in the Kingston Public Hospital’s inability to efficiently provide its mandated.

In order to maximize any investments to be made by the Government and its partners in the rehabilitation of the KPH and its surrounding available parking, it is important to develop a feasible and sustainable business model.


Accordingly, the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the South East Regional Health Authority is embarking on a rehabilitation programme of the Kingston Public Hospital with the following objectives: 

  • Rehabilitation of 70% of operating theatres to full capacity
  • Creation of a new car park for staff
  • Transfer of oncology and nephrology services to St Joseph Hospital
  • Rehabilitation of electrical systems at the facility
  • Repair roofing at the facility. 
  • Create a maintenance programme for the facility.



The objective is to provide operational and technical support to the KPH Re-Development Project.



Under the direction of the Project Manager, monitor all stages of the project from planning, implementation, monitoring & control and closure. To ensure compliance and the necessary corrective actions are taken.

  • Play a support role to the Project Manager and Project Administrator.
  • Plan and coordinate project objectives including, scheduling, reporting and document control.
  •  Ensures works are executed in accordance with all applicable codes, regulations and specifications.
  • Assist the Project manager in the review of bills of quantities. 
  • Interprets working drawings and technical documentation for accuracy and makes recommendations as necessary.
  • Supervision of contractors.
  • Observes work in progress to validate procedure being followed and materials being used and maintains information in site diary.
  • Verifies accuracy of dimensions, elevation of instalment, levels and alignments of work in progress.
  • Witnesses and records the commissioning and testing of materials and     equipment being used.
  • Ensures records of all accidents and incidents in the prescribed format and submission of report to relevant parties.
  • Computes monthly estimates of work completed by contractors and ensure that work has been done to the required standard before payments are approved.
  • Monitors timelines and prepares the necessary communication for dispatch to the positive or negative variance.
  • Ensures sketches of construction installations that deviate from contract drawings are produced and reports such changes for incorporation on as built drawings.
  • Liaises and meets with clients to exchange information pertinent to the optimum execution of the contract.
  • Maintains database of all Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Suppliers including the names of their representatives on assigned projects.
  • Prepares Progress Reports, including photographic records, to inform management and stakeholders of the current status of each project.
  • Maintains records of certificates, variations, claims, meetings and transactions with clients, contractors, suppliers, consultants and any other involved party.
  • Carries out other functional responsibilities as are incidental to the foregoing as is delegated from time to time.
  • Complies with all administrative requirements of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
  • Enter assigned construction site to monitor activities.
  • Issue site instructions by the Project Manager. 




Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)


Twenty Four (24) months


Deliverable based contract 


Government of Jamaica


The consultant shall report to the Project Manager



The consultant will be provided with all tools of trade facilitation in undertaking the assignment


All information obtained during the delivery of this Consultancy is the property of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and requests to use same must be made in writing to the Permanent Secretary]




Travel as required under this assignment is authorized and should be included in the final price






Due date

% of Contract


Workplan – This is the operational document for the consultancy and is used to determine the required inputs for the development and delivery of the output of the consultancy. As such the Work plan document must detail:

  • Methodology for providing the key outputs of the consultancy.
  • Resources required that are outside of the control of the consultant.
  • Time line for the achievement of tasks associated with the consultant deliverables.

Fifteen (15) days after contract signing



22 Monthly progress reports. To include:

  • the progress made during the period (planned vs.
  • Actual targets, etc.)
  • the proposed activities for the ensuing month, 
  • risks, challenges, gaps, and recommendations for addressing them.
  • adjustments to be made to project plans as required.

Due within the first 5 days at the start of each month



Close-Out Report, to include:

  • Background/Introduction
  • Overall summary of the project
  • Implementation plan and methodologies employed
  • Full documented reports 
  • Constraints/Obstacles
  • Summary conclusion of overall project
  • Recommended action(s) (if any)
  • Appendices

Due within 5 days before the close of the contract period.



The consultant should satisfy the following requirements:  

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture or other Built Environment discipline
  • Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in the building construction industry
  • At least two (2) years’ experience in the use of Microsoft Projects for Scheduling and AutoCAD Software.  
  • Ability to interpret construction working drawings and provide sketches where required to guide contractors
  • Ability to undertake building surveys, formulate solutions and produce bills of quantities for remedial works
  • Ability to work on own initiative.
  • Ability to communicate effectively to various levels of project personnel in both oral and written format
  • Strong problem-solving/critical thinking skills
  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to work with a team; and
  • Excellent time management skills.


NB: The Individual Consultant must possess a current and valid TCC at the time of bid submission.





The Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their responsiveness to the Terms of Reference, applying the evaluation criteria as follows: 


Evaluation Criteria of Technical Proposal



Experience of the Consultant / Relevant Experience in Construction Industry     

Max – 20 points


  • Years of Experience 
  • Greater than 5 years in the related field with at least one (1) project of similar nature.


  • 5 years in the related field with at least one (1) project of similar nature.


  • Less than 5 years in the related field with at least one (1) project of similar nature.













Qualification & Competence of the Project Manager

Max- 20 points 


  1. Qualification:
  2. Bachelors’ Degree in Architecture or other Built Environment discipline 







Proposed Methodology/Workplan Technical Approach to the Terms of Reference (TOR)

Max- 30 points


  • Methodology/Workplan reflects a clear understanding of the assignment and suitably responds to each element of the TOR.
  • Methodology/Workplan reflects a very good understanding of the assignment and suitably responds to each element of the TOR.
  • Methodology/Workplan reflects an acceptable level of understanding of the assignment and responds to most elements of the TOR.
  • Methodology/Workplan reflects a partial understanding of the assignment and does not respond adequately to the TOR.















Client References

Max 10 points


A Minimum of two (2) client references of similar within the last five (5) years 

  • Excellent         5
  • Good               4
  • Satisfactory            3
  • Poor                0

A = Total score achieved

A = 2 x 5



Interview assessment

Max 20 points


An interview to assess the Consultants suitability for the assignment

Applied Knowledge and competences                                                10 

Confidence Expression and Clarity                                        5 

Audience Strategic Focus                                                           5







Bids must attain a minimum of 60 points on the Technical area in order to be considered for interview assessment. 


Bids must attain a minimum of 75 points on the complete technical evaluation in order to be considered for financial assessment.


Bidders are advised that the Minimum Technical Proposal score required to facilitate evaluation of the Cost Proposal is 75 points. Proposals shall be deemed non – responsive at this stage if it fails to achieve the minimum score. The quality and cost-based methodology will be utilized with a weighting of (a) Technical: 70 and (b) Cost:30 which is detailed below:


The bids will be evaluated accordingly: 



Weight for Technical Proposal (TP) = Bidder’s TP Points x 70 


COST PROPOSAL (CP) –  30%                

Weight for Cost Proposal (CP) = Lowest Cost × 30% 

                                                                                Other Tender


TOTAL SCORE = Technical Proposal (TP) + Cost Proposal (CP)


Financial Evaluation Criteria 


Maximum Score 


Cost will be apportioned as under:

  • The bidder with the lowest bid price will receive the full marks of 30 points
  • All other bid price will be prorated using the following formula:

Lowest Bid price            X    Allocated Score (30)

Bid sum being evaluated

30 points