Home Tenders TERMS OF REFERENCE – Communications Specialist

TERMS OF REFERENCE – Communications Specialist

Country: Jamaica

Project: Support for The Health System Strengthening for The Prevention and Care Management of Non-Communicable Disease Programme

Loan/Credit/Grant No.: JA – L1049   
Contract/Bid No.: JA-L1049-P195172 3.4.28
Deadline: May 22, 2024

The Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Health and Wellness, has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) toward the cost of the Support for The Health System Strengthening for The Prevention and Care Management of Non-Communicable Disease Programme and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the procurement of consulting services.

The objective of the Communication Specialist to enhance the visibility and public perception of the Health Systems Strengthening Programme (HSSP) by creating and coordinating marketing activities ensuring conformity with the Government of Jamaica and International Funding Institutions (Inter-American Development Bank and European Union), collaborating with a public relations and marketing firm, stakeholders and forming committees with Regional Health Authority Public Relations Managers.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness now invites interested eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the mentioned services by submitting their CVs bearing the requisite experience and qualifications. These include:           

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing, or a related field
  • 5+ years proven experience in a communications role, preferably in a managerial or specialist capacity.
  • 2+ years experience working with public relations and marketing agencies or firms.

 This procurement process is governed by the IDB’s Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15, August 2019, and interested consultants are advised to keenly observe paragraphs 1.11 and 1.13 thereof, which sets forth the IDB’s policy on conflict of interest and eligibility respectively. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultants method set out in the said Policies.

 Expressions of interest in the form of an Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae must be delivered to the address below (in person, by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by May 22, 2024. The detailed Terms of Reference for the Consultancy Service is available on the website of the Ministry of Health and Wellness at www.moh.gov.jm.

Support for the Health Systems Strengthening for the Prevention and Care Management of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Programme

Ministry of Health and Wellness

Attn: The Procurement Management Specialist

IBM Building 3rd Floor,

52 Knutsford Boulevard,

Kingston 5.

Tel: (876) 633-7433

E-mail: hsspproject@moh.gov.jm

We thank all applicants however please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Terms of Reference for Communications Specialist


The Government of Jamaica is implementing the Health Systems Strengthening for the Prevention and Care Management of Non-communicable Diseases Programme (HSSP). The primary objective of HSSP is to improve the health of Jamaica’s population by strengthening comprehensive policies for the prevention of NCD risk factors and implementing a chronic care model with improved access to strengthened and integrated primary and hospital services networks that provide more efficient and higher quality care.  

HSSP is a comprehensive MOHW strategy comprising three interrelated loan operations and an investment grant (IGR). Initially, the Inter-american Development Bank (IADB) approved in November 2018 a hybrid operation consisting of an investment loan (JA-L1049 4668/OC-JA) for US$50M and the first operation of a Programmatic Policy-Based loan (PBP) (JA-L1080 4669/OC-JA) for US$50M. In September 2020, the IDB approved the second PBP operation (JA-L1086 5110/OC-JA) for US$100M, and in November 2020, the European Union Caribbean Investment Facility (EU-CIF) provided IGR funds to complement the investment loan (JA-G1005 GRT/ER-17830-JA) for €10.2 million.

The policies in the Programmatic Series will consolidate regulatory measures to address the preventable causes of NCDs and to reorient health systems to address prevention and control of NCDs through a people-centred chronic care model at the primary level of care. The investment component, in turn, will finance activities to consolidate integrated health networks and improve health services management, quality and efficiency. While the PBP will benefit the Jamaican population at large, the investment loan will have approximately 800,000 potential direct beneficiaries who reside in the catchment areas of the health services networks that will receive investments.

Components of HSSP

The Investment Programme being implemented by the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) has two (2) major components and an allocation to support programme administration and evaluation:

Component 1. Organisation and consolidation of integrated health services networks. This component will finance two subcomponents.

Subcomponent 1.1: will fund the completion of the design and costing for 13 facilities (three hospitals and ten clinics), upgrade and expansion of STH, purchase of medical and imaging equipment, construction supervision services, sewerage works for all 13 facilities and implementation of a corrective and preventive maintenance program. The designs for the 13 facilities will incorporate measures for universal accessibility, resiliency, energy efficiency and sewage studies.

Subcomponent 1.2: will finance the construction of Old Harbour Health Centre (HC), the expansion of St Jago Park HC and Greater Portmore HC, the procurement of medical and dental equipment for these three HCs, and an additional two Health Clinics.

Component 2. Improvement of management, quality, and efficiency of health services. This component will fund:

Subcomponent 2.1: (a) The Chronic Care Model (CCM) implementation in participating health services networks and preparatory work for change management, continuous quality improvement and social marketing for behaviour change strategies and improve health services in 13 health facilities for patients with NCDs, including persons living with disabilities, and (b) implementation of the Fourth Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey.

Subcomponent 2.2: the digitalisation of health care services that comprise (a) the creation of a strong foundation for a digital health ecosystem, (b) the implementation of a sustainable Electronic Health Record platform, and (c) the implementation of telehealth, telemedicine, and tele mentoring services. It also involves implementing the communication and visibility plan, including mHealth rollout and publicising the EU-CIF contribution supporting HSSP.

Programme Administration and Evaluation

This allocation will support the MOH in terms of strengthening its institutional capacity for project implementation. It will finance, inter alia, the consultants of the Project Execution Unit (PEU), specialised technical services, independent auditing, as well as surveys and studies regarding the programme’s implementation and evaluation of its impact. The PEU is structured to provide additional capability in the areas of project management, procurement, financial management, infrastructure upgrading, medical equipment specification, and health information technology. Technical and fiduciary staff from the MOH will work closely with the PEU specialists so that the MOH benefits from knowledge transfer and capacity strengthening.

The MOHW is seeking the services of a Communications Specialist to enhance the visibility and public perception of the Health Systems Strengthening Programme (HSSP)  by creating and coordinating marketing activities ensuring conformity with the Government of Jamaica and International Funding Institutions (Inter-American Development Bank and European Union) , collaborating with a public relations and marketing firm, stakeholders and forming committees with Regional Health Authority Public Relations Managers.


The key objectives of the Communications Specialist include:

  • Coordinate marketing activities to promote the HSSP
  • Collaborate with a public relations and marketing firm to ensure cohesive communication strategies.
  • Establish committees with Regional Health Authority Public Relations Managers to enhance regional coordination.
  • Develop and implement various advertising strategies to effectively market the HSSP


3.1 Communication Coordination:

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive communications & marketing plan for the HSSP
  • Collaborate with internal teams to gather information for communications & marketing materials.
  • Ensure consistency in messaging across various communication channels.

3.2 Collaboration with External Firms:

  • Liaise with the contracted communications and marketing firm and other internal stakeholders to align strategies.
  • Provide necessary program information and guidelines to the external firms.
  • Review and approve communication and marketing collateral produced by external firms.

3.3 Committee Formation:

  • Establish committees with Regional Health Authority Public Relations Managers.
  • Conduct regular meetings to discuss regional communication strategies and challenges.
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and coordination among regional teams.

3.4 Advertising Strategies:

  • Develop creative and effective advertising strategies to reach target audiences.
  • Utilize various channels, including traditional and digital media, to maximize outreach.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and adjust strategies as needed.

3.5 Content Development:

  • Create engaging and informative content for press releases, articles, and social media.
  • Ensure that content aligns with the overall messaging and goals of the HSSP
  • Coordinate with graphic designers, writers, and other content creators as necessary.

3.6 Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Engage with stakeholders to understand their communication needs and concerns.
  • Build and maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders, including media outlets.
  • Respond promptly to media inquiries and coordinate interviews as necessary.
  • Develop and maintain a stakeholder engagement database.


  • Prepare regular reports on the effectiveness of communication strategies and any other reports that may be required by the Programme Manager
  • Provide updates to senior management on key milestones, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Analyze and present data related to the reach and impact of marketing activities.
  • The Consultant will report directly to the HSSP Programme Manager


  • The Communications Specialist will be engaged for the duration of the HSSP. Initial engagement will be for one (1) year, thereafter successful performance evaluation will determine future tenure
  • Regular meetings will be held with the public relations and marketing firm, as well as with the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Regional Health Authority Public Relations Managers.


  • Periodically assess the effectiveness of communication strategies and adjust as necessary.
  • Seek feedback from regional committees and stakeholders for continuous improvement.


  • Any proposed amendments to these terms of reference must be submitted in writing and agreed upon by relevant stakeholders.


  • The Communications Specialist is expected to handle sensitive information with the utmost confidentiality.


  • Educational Background
    • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing, or a related field.
  • Professional Experience:
    • 5+ years proven experience in a communications role, preferably in a managerial or specialist capacity.
    • 2+ years experience working with public relations and marketing agencies or firms.
  • Industry Knowledge:
    • Familiarity with the healthcare or relevant industry would be an advantage (in the context of the provided program).
  • Technical Skills:
    • Proficient in using communication tools and software.
    • Knowledge of graphic design and video editing tools is an advantage.
    • Understanding of analytics tools for measuring the effectiveness of communication strategies.
  • Certifications:
    • Relevant certifications in public relations, communications, or marketing.

9.1 Core Competencies

  • Strategic Thinking:
    • Ability to develop and implement strategic communication plans aligned with organizational goals.
  • Media Relations:
    • Strong relationships with media outlets and experience in managing media relations.
  • Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Ability to engage effectively with internal and external stakeholders, including regional authorities.
  • Content Development:
    • Excellent writing and editing skills for creating compelling content across various platforms.
  • Digital and Social Media:
    • Proficiency in leveraging digital and social media platforms for effective communication.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork:
    • Capacity to work collaboratively with internal teams and external agencies.
  • Project Management:
    • Strong organizational and project management skills to handle multiple tasks and deadlines.
  • Crisis Communication:
    • Ability to develop and execute crisis communication plans effectively.
  • Analytical Skills:
    • Capability to analyze data and metrics to assess the success and impact of communication strategies.
  • Adaptability:
    • Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.
  • Leadership:
    • Leadership qualities to guide and influence communication strategies.
  • Networking:
    • Strong networking skills to build and maintain relationships within the industry.
  • Cultural Competence:
    • Sensitivity to diverse cultures and ability to tailor communication strategies accordingly.
  • Ethical Conduct:
    • Commitment to high ethical standards in communication practices.
  • Training and Development:
    • Capability to design and implement training programs for communication and public relations teams.
  • Initiative:
    • Proactive approach to identifying opportunities and addressing challenges.
  • Time Management:
    • Effective time management skills to meet deadlines and manage competing priorities.


  • Annual work plan as per programme communication objectives. The Work Plan must include target milestones for the period.
  • Report on review/assessment of existing communication strategy of key focus areas in programme – Chronic Care Model, Electronic Health Records, Change Management, Manage Network Services, Infrastructure and Equipment
  • Development of a Programme Visibility Strategy and Budget
  • Development of a Terms of Reference for a Public Relations and Marketing Firm to execute Programme Visibility Strategy within approved budget
  • Develop a Terms of Reference for a local Public Relations Committee (form Committee with the RHA Public Relations Officers to enhance the visibility of Programme on a Regional level utilizing local stakeholder)
  • Monthly Progress Reports providing updates on Annual Work Plan milestones including challenges and strategies to overcome them
  • Quarterly Evaluation of the communication strategy implemented
  • Final report detailing status of deliverables over the contract period