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Statement from the University of the West Indies

The Board of Management and hardworking and caring staff at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) deeply regret the loss of lives in our nurseries.
On October 16, at approximately 5:00pm the Chairman of the board of the UHWI, Mr. Sterling Soares advised the Minister of Health Dr. Fenton Ferguson of this development after being informed by the press about a mystery bug in the UHWI nursery. Subsequently, the Minister summoned members of the board to an emergency meeting at 7:00pm.

Further to this meeting, at 9:00am on Saturday October 17 the Minister convened a meeting with representatives of the board, Ministry of Health, SERHA, the management and the technical staff at UHWI. The infection control team explained to the meeting the cause of the infection and the management protocol instituted. Our international partners were notified as prescribed by established guidelines. In addition, the Minister committed all resources necessary to assist with the management of the cluster of cases. He mandated a press briefing be held on Tuesday October 20th at 10:00am, immediately following the holiday to allay public fears, and to clarify that there was no mystery bug in our nurseries as was earlier reported by the press.

At a meeting of the UHWI Board of Management on Wednesday October 21st at 2pm, the board recognized a breach in the MOH/UHWI reporting protocol.
Professor John Lindo, Acting Head of the Department of Microbiology, UHWI reported that the situation was not brought to the attention of the MOH and by extension the Minister in a timely manner. A timely report would have triggered a series of actions by the MOH and our international partners including CARPA and PAHO. However, the infection control team at UHWI who identified the agents were confident that the cluster of cases could have been controlled as on many previous occasions.

Dr. Winston Dela Haye, Consultant psychiatrist stated that the board recognized the traumatic experience that the parents and families have undergone as a result of the loss of their loved ones. The hospital continues to provide counselling and other psychological support to the affected families who have accepted this facility during this difficult period.
Dr. Carl Bruce consultant neurosurgeon says the UHWI and its hard working and caring staff and professionals will continue to provide all services to the public in a safe and comfortable environment.

The Chairman of the board of management has mandated that a detailed report on the breach of protocols be delivered to him by mid-day on Thursday October 22, 2015.

Contact: Sterling Soares – 990-3472