Home Press Releases Prevent Mosquito Bites “Zika Virus Fever is a growing threat”

Prevent Mosquito Bites “Zika Virus Fever is a growing threat”

There seems to be more mosquito borne diseases around than a decade ago. Scientists attribute this in part to climate change. Other contributory factors include urbanization, abuse of chemicals resulting in insecticide resistance and human habits and practices which favour the breeding of insects. The mosquito can be not only annoying but there are those that can give you a terrible sting or bite and those that are carriers of diseases. Not all species of mosquitos are carriers of diseases, some are just nuisance mosquitoes which are those that persistently bite humans but do not carry infections, and are called “culex”.  The Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is very common in Jamaica and is referred to as domestic mosquito can be dangerous and spreads diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika Virus. Persons should avoid being bitten by mosquitoes at all time.


Spread of Mosquito borne Diseases

Several factors have contributed to the ease with which mosquito borne diseases spread from continent to continent. Travel between countries by boat, airplane or across land crossings, has been cited as one of the reasons diseases including mosquito borne diseases get introduced in regions of the world that did not previously detect these diseases. Vector borne diseases spread by mosquitos include:

  • Malaria
  • Dengue fever
  • Yellow fever
  • Chikungunya
  • St Louis Encephalitis
  • West Nile
  • Zika Virus

All are caused by viruses with the exception of malaria which is a blood parasite.


Symptoms of Zika Virus Disease

Common Symptoms of Zika virus fever are:

  • Fever
  • Rash which may be itchy
  • Red eye
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Joint pains
  • Weakness
  • Swollen lower limbs


Other less common symptoms include pain behind the eyes, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.


Zika virus infection is non-specific and may present like other types of illnesses including: Dengue

  1. Chikungunya
  2. Measles (Fever and rash)
  3. Malaria
  1. Leptospirosis

For this reason the doctor will also order lab tests to confirm a specific diagnosis.



There are no vaccines currently available to prevent ZIKV infection. Treatment is symptomatic and involves fluids, rest, antipyretic and analgesic agents.   The antipyretic and analgesic agent that is recommended is acetaminophen or paracetamol. Antihistamines may be used to relieve the symptoms of pruritus (itching) associated with the skin rash.


Tips to prevent mosquito bites

  • Apply mosquito repellent with 30% DEET if you are living in an area or vacationing in a place with mosquitoes
  • Mosquito repellents made from natural plant material (e.g. citronella) may help but have to be applied frequently
  • Mosquito repellents such as candles and sprays are helpful
  • Wear long sleeve light coloured shirts and pants when outdoors
  • Sleep under a mosquito net. This is especially important for babies and young infants as one should avoid using the chemical DEET on the young child’s skin.
  • Each week for 10 minutes search indoors and outside the house for containers with water (vases, flower pots, old tyres, gardening tools, gutterings and drains etc.) that can potentially breed mosquitos. Empty water from containers, turn over receptacles that could hold water. Remove debris from guttering and drains.
  • If you must store water, treat the containers with the recommended chemicals to prevent breeding by the mosquitos.


Pregnant women and persons living with chronic diseases are more likely to experience more severe symptoms of Zika Virus

Heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, sickle cell disease and pregnancy put individuals at risk for more severe complications from the zika virus illness.

There have been recent reports coming out of Brazil of women who were infected with the Zika virus, giving birth to babies with microcephaly – a rare condition in which infants are born with smaller or shrunken brains and heads.

Every Jamaican must be aware of the imminent threat of the Zika Virus Infection and this must be taken seriously. Avoid being bitten as best as you can. If you develop a fever, joint and muscle pains or rash then without delay seek out your clinic or private healthcare provider without delay.