Home Press Releases Persons are being Urged to Look for Potential Mosquito Breeding Sites Following Recent Heavy Rains

Persons are being Urged to Look for Potential Mosquito Breeding Sites Following Recent Heavy Rains

The Ministry of Health is urging persons to be extra vigilant and search for potential mosquito breeding sites in light of the recent heavy rains. Persons are being asked to look around their homes, schools, workplaces and churches for any container or areas that may have been filled with water as a result of the heavy rains.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito which spreads the Zika, Chikungunya and Dengue viruses  thrives in relatively clean standing water which can be found in containers such as cans, plastic bottles, flowers pots or any area that water can gather. Persons are being encouraged to punch holes in the bottom of tins before placing them in the garbage; and get rid of all old tyres, bottles, plastic containers, coconut shells and anything in which rain water can settle.

Minister of Health Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton said “destroying mosquito breeding sites forms part of our individual responsibility which is key in the fight against mosquito borne diseases such as Zika. Persons should ensure that they check their surroundings for ten minutes at least once per week to ensure that they destroy potential mosquito breeding sites.”

Individuals who wish to obtain more information may call the Ministry of Health or the nearest health centre. Persons may also visit our website at moh.gov.jm and like and follow us on www.facebook.com/themohgovjm;https://twitter.com/themohgovjmhttps://instagram.com/themohgovjm.