Home Press Releases National Emergency Operation Center Dedicates Two Numbers for Pregnant Women to Ask Questions about Zika

National Emergency Operation Center Dedicates Two Numbers for Pregnant Women to Ask Questions about Zika

The Ministry of Health’s National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC) has increased its capacity to field questions concerning Zika, especially for pregnant women, by providing two additional numbers that the public can access. As of Friday, September 2, 2016, the public will be able to call these numbers, from Mondays to Fridays, 8:00a.m to 4:00p.m, and ask questions about Zika.

The numbers are 537- 1709 and 536-9125

The initiative by the NEOC forms part of the Ministry of Health’s overall Zika public education campaign. Minister of Health Dr. the Honourable Christopher Tufton said “We are on a drive to ensure the public is fully aware of Zika and its complications and this is just another step in engaging everyone.” Dr. Tufton has also said that “we need all hands on deck as we continue our efforts in the fight against Zika.”

Zika virus has been linked to foetal malformations (one of which is Microcephaly – a condition where the child’s head is abnormally small and is associated with underdevelopment of the brain) and neurological disorders including Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

Individuals who wish to obtain more information may call the Ministry of Health or the nearest health centre. Persons may also visit our website at moh.gov.jm and like and follow us on www.facebook.com/themohgovjm;https://twitter.com/themohgovjm; https://instagram.com/themohgovjm.