Home Press Releases Ministry of Health to Receive an Additional 5000 Doses of the Influenza Vaccine

Ministry of Health to Receive an Additional 5000 Doses of the Influenza Vaccine

A(H1N1). He says the Ministry is to receive an additional five thousand (5,000) doses within the next week.

“Three thousand (3,000) doses of the Influenza vaccine have been ordered through PAHO and are scheduled to arrive in the island mid-March. One thousand doses arrived from Trinidad on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 and were distributed to the remaining frontline health workers, while another thousand is expected to arrive from Belize,” Dr. Tufton said.

The Ministry has already distributed a total of 3,000 adult and 400 paediatric doses of the influenza vaccine received from PAHO to the Regional Health Authorities.  Dr. Tufton says this has been inadequate to date.

The Ministry of Health has routinely offered the flu vaccine to its frontline health workers usually from as early as October each year – at the start of the flu season – and continues to make it available to those who wish to be vaccinated against influenza.

Dr. Tufton says that he has already given instructions for preparations to begin for the next flu season.

“I have requested of the technocrats in the Ministry to continue our focus on this area and start plans to prepare for the upcoming flu season which begins in October this year. Prevention is the best medicine for H1N1 and other flu viruses. We believe that the best course of action is to continue to put our efforts into strengthening public health practices of hand washing, cough etiquette, proper use of Personal Protective Equipment, appropriate decontamination procedures in our health facilities and public education,” he said.

Individuals who wish to obtain more information may call the Ministry of Health or the nearest health centre. Persons may also visit our website at moh.gov.jm and like and follow us on www.facebook.com/themohgovjm; https://twitter.com/themohgovjm; https://instagram.com/themohgovjm.