Home Press Releases Ministry of Health Hosts Training Session As Part of its Preparedness for the Possible Introduction of the Zika Virus

Ministry of Health Hosts Training Session As Part of its Preparedness for the Possible Introduction of the Zika Virus

The Ministry of Health hosted a National Training Seminar for Senior Health Staff to review the Ministry’s Outbreak Preparedness and Response strategies and key activities as part of its preparedness for the possible introduction of the Zika Virus.

Minister of Health, Hon. Horace Dalley stated that all Jamaicans have a role to play in minimizing the impact of the Zika Virus and asked that everyone search their homes and surroundings to get rid of mosquito breeding sites.  Minister Dalley was speaking at the National Training Seminar for Senior Health Staff held on December 3, 2015 at the Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston.

Minister Dalley said, “we want to mobilize all our partners in health, the private sector, civil society, churches and our communities to take responsibility and take part in searching around homes and all other surroundings to get rid of mosquito breeding sites.”

“Zika Virus has already entered the Caribbean Region and we won’t be able to stop it from entering Jamaica, but we must try to identify and control it as soon as possible to minimize the impact on our population, our country and the economy,” he added.

The national training was also to update the senior health team on the current situation with Zika Virus Infection globally and regionally as well as to provide guidance to the field on the management of Zika Virus Infection, including on Epidemiological Surveillance, Clinical Management, Laboratory Diagnosis and Communications, for rapid response and outbreak control.

According to the latest Epidemiological Alert issued by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, as of December 1, 2015, nine countries in the Caribbean and Latin American Region have confirmed Zika virus namely Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela.

With respect to Zika in Brazil, more than 1200 babies have been diagnosed with microcephaly – underdevelopment of the skull and brain – and it is believed that there is a possible link to the zika virus. This happens, according to the reports, when there is infection in the first three months of pregnancy.

The health sector preparedness and response training is one of the many sessions that will take place.  The Ministry is also continuing it mosquito prevention campaign and will increase its community mobilization efforts.