Home Press Releases Ministry of Health Enhancing Mosquito Control Activities

Ministry of Health Enhancing Mosquito Control Activities

The Ministry of Health and the Regional Health Authorities are enhancing their mosquito control activities across all Parishes to tackle the increase in the mosquito population. Focus will also be placed on schools at this time. Persons may contact the health department in their parish to report any area that they believe may need to be fogged.

The Ministry is also advising persons to take steps to protect themselves and their homes from mosquitoes.  Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Marion Bullock DuCasse says persons can take measures including putting mesh on doors and windows, using insect repellent, wearing long sleeved clothing and using insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes.

“The Ministry has been taking steps and urges persons to play their part to reduce the entire mosquito population including those that spread diseases such as the Aedes aegypti and those that do not.”

She added that “the population of the mosquitoes that are now causing concern for many citizens, has increased because these types lay their eggs in the soil during the dry period and once it rains these eggs hatch. These do not generally spread diseases but can cause discomfort,” Dr. DuCasse said.

She said since these mosquitoes are mostly active at dusk and dawn (5:30am – 7:30 am and 5:30pm-7:30pm) persons should avoid outdoor activities and keep homes locked up during this time. She said however that they will feed at other times of the day but for the most part will be resting.

“When spraying with insecticides persons should also focus on vegetation around their homes as this is included in the areas where these mosquitoes generally rest during the daytime. Persons should also cut overgrown vegetation,” the Chief Medical Officer advised.

For more information persons may contact the Ministry of Health or the nearest health centre and visit our website at moh.gov.jm. Also like and follow us on www.facebook.com/themohgovjm;https://twitter.com/themohgovjmhttps://instagram.com/themohgovjm