Home Press Releases Mild Exercise Recommended for Continuous Joint Pain from CHIKV

Mild Exercise Recommended for Continuous Joint Pain from CHIKV

Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Marion Bullock DuCasse is urging persons who experience a relapse of joint pains associated with chikungunya infection to do mild exercise to ease the pain. Dr. DuCasse says all persons recovering from the virus can benefit from mild exercise however some may need physiotherapy depending on the severity of the joint pain.

“Several persons have reported experiencing joint pains after the initial chikungunya infection. Mild forms of exercise are recommended for these persons. However, others may need physiotherapy if the pain is severe. This usually includes persons with non-communicable diseases especially those who have arthritis or previous joint injuries,” Dr. DuCasse said.

She added that while most CHIKV infections completely resolve within weeks or months, there have been documented cases of CHIKV-induced joint pains persisting for several years.

“Persons should seek the guidance of their doctor if pain persists even with the use of over the counter medications. Additional medications including anti-inflammatory drugs may be needed to treat the pain,” she said.

The most common symptoms of chikungunya fever include high fever, joint pain mainly in the ankles, toes, fingers, elbows, wrists and knees, headache, muscle pain and a rash which may last up to ten days in the initial phase. Other symptoms reported with CHIKV infection include back pain, chills, weakness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.