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121 responses to “Mental Health Stories”

  1. hi i’m new to this site …. so I’m MJ and I’m 17 years old I have been suffering from PTSD, depression, and anxiety i also have suicidal thoughts well i tried to kill myself at least five times i don’t know what to do at this point i’m tried of trying i have been trying since i was 13 years old but i’m tried no matter how hard i try i still end up going back to stage 1 i’m here because i’m at a very low point in life

  2. Hello i am Imani Duncan i am 12 years old currently suffering from depression & suicidal thoughts, stress and the urge to self harm . My mom hade the covid 19 virus and was in the hospital for two months ,when she got back she went to Ocho Rios to do a check up and both of her lungs are damaged and one part of her heart.

  3. Hi , I’m 26 and I have been living with depression from I was 19 , it got worst over the years as I had two miscarriages ( one of my babies died in my arms at the hospital) , where I live people judge me , I literally have no friends that I can ever all on to talk to , where I live I’m completely invisible to everyone and called weird or weirdo .. I have been to the doctor countless of times where I was told I’m bipolar and suffer from anxiety.. I got meds but I don’t think they are working at all . Since lately I feel my depression is getting worst where all I think of is death and suicide , some days I don’t eat at all , I just lay in bed hoping this will be my last day . This morning I had to be shutting my mind out with all the evil thoughts I have in my head of harming myself or people around me … i really wasn’t always like this but I guess years of emotional and mental abuse has finally taken effect …. I use to be a very happy girl but now it’s like I’m someone that I really don’t like.. no one listens to me or even care .. when I try to talk I’m shut down or to,d to just get some sleep … I have tried killing my self before but I failed….. I’m currently tired of feeling empty and have to be faking my smiles everyday .. at this point I currently can understand why people commit suicide because the thoughts in my head are not good . I need help or this will be the end of me .

    • I totally understand where you are coming from. I feel a lot like that as well and also feel trapped within my own mind sometimes. I am also sorry about your miscarriages, maybe it’s for the best until you feel right mentally, bringing a baby in the midst might make your depression worse as Post-Partum depression had me crazy. I pray for healing and good health your way Sutandy

  4. Hi so I’m 19 and I’ve been depressed since I was 13 I started self harming at that time too most days I just feel like giving up and i isolate my self because i can’t function around normal people I just feel like I’m a big weight on their shoulder been praying but nothing and it’s sad to say I stopped praying cause i lost my way and faith in God I can’t talk to anybody because nobody really understands I’m not that happy girl they use to know anymore i deleted all my social media so I’m practically going ghost and I just walked off my job like no phone call to say I’m not coming back or anything. Been crying everyday to the point where my eyes are swollen I just wish I could die because I really don’t see my purpose on this earth and maybe one day I’ll gather the strength to kill myself and end it all

  5. I dont think I need anyone to tell me that I’m depressed because I’m not
    I just dont think I need to be alive anymore
    Like I want to be alive for my daughter but I dont need to be, I’m just a complete failure

  6. I have been waiting 10 days to get my travel authorization and my flight to Jamaica is tomorrow Oct 30th at 6:30am. Up to this point it keeps saying pending.

    This is stressing the shit out of me that I can’t go home. I’m in a foreign country and want to go home.

    Why they don’t approve the request faster?
    I am in a strange country come on man.

  7. I’m a college student, in my final year. I started experiencing depression earlier this year 2020. This was sometime before the whole covid-19 outbreak and even heighten. During this time I started feeling stated of “downess”. This means I felt emotional all the time, I would lock away myself in my room, refuse to eat. Often times, I would be moody, I would start arguments that wouldn’t even be necessary as a result of me overthinking over minorities. During this stage I was even involved in a toxic relationship- my partner would even do things that were off (by off i mean cheating) and then begin to play victim and make me feel like I am crazy. This was very unhealthy for that state of my depression. Moving to the month of April, that same partner died. This even made my depression worst. What helped me through this hard time was being around family and starting my own little business which I would throw myself into. Depression is a serious problem that most young people struggle with and my solution to anyone reading this is to:
    I am not going to say I have fully recovered but I try my best to be occupied.

  8. They say that positive people help us to maintain good mental health. However, I beg to differ. My last lapsing I filled my bathtub with water and tried to let myself drown but just as I was blacking out in came to my cousin. I begged him never to speak of it. I am 22 and I have been going through this since I was maybe 6 or 7. I don’t keep a lot of friend mostly associates since then even now… However, I have found an anchor in someone and just the idea of a scenario an old acquaintance of mine put in my thoughts a few days ago have caused me to re-enter a very dark depressing phase and at this point, I am wondering more is left to do than to put an end to all of it. I feel worthless, empty, helpless, pitiful, disgusting. I just think I have reached the limit to how much I can take. The first time for 2020 that I lapsed like this was February, I left all 3 of my well-established jobs, and then came a beauty pageant… I left that too and ended up being automatically eliminated but I never did explain why I left. Now I have a new job and I just don’t have the mindset for it. I am just sinking so far down it hurts and it’s like the more I try to open my mouth to share what I am going through the more I want to hide away from the world just feel useless. I don’t believe Jamaicans take it seriously when someone confides in them that they feel like ending it all all they do is laugh make jokes too but they just don’t get that the more they do these things the worst we feel. the more likely one is to harm his or her own self.

  9. I’ve been suffering from Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) since 2016 but i started noticing it in 2017. I’ve been forced to cut my hair because of the embarrassing bald spots i have (i pick from the scalp) I have at least 4 anxiety attacks per week and pass out often as well. I recently had to quit my job because It was too stressful and I started having suicidal thoughts. Trichotillomania has ruined most of my relationships and I don’t have anyone to to talk to that can actually understand what i’m going through. I’m trying to cope but it is really hard.

  10. I’ve been depressed since 2009. I didn’t realize I was depressed until 2018. I was still young in ’09 when my mother died. So I still had alot of distractions to keep my mind off the pain. Right now the pain is the only thing I think about. Which is why I drink and smoke(it numbs my mind from the pain). And everyday is a struggle… Just to get out of bed, to take care of myself, to do my job, to have social interactions. Everything seems pointless because I’m so alone and I’m alone because everything seems pointless. I have serious trust issues. Anxiety sets in every single time I leave my bedroom. And honestly I don’t know what to do to get over this. I’ve been thinking bk to everything, every trauma, trying to find the beginning so that I can end the pain. But I think I need therapy for that.
    Sometimes the pain is so strong that phisical pain feels much better… but phisical pain doesnt last that long. The thing that really keeps me going tho is the thought that my mother would want me to keep going and never give up. She was like that. I’m trying to make steps towards finding that happiness. Like moving in with my brother and his son. Being around my nephew motivates me as it gives me a sense of family and belonging. Idk if it will make all the difference in the world but it’s a step forward. and that, I think is more important. I also encourage myself alot, I speak affirmations and just try to go one day at a time. There are days tho…. But it’s just to get thru those days. Hopefully this move will bring more light into my dark world

  11. How can a person become involved in mental health awareness in Jamaica or become an advocate for it? Are there seminars or workshops?

  12. I have lost income from my business but was also able to get new products designed during the lockdown.
    It was hard being home with all family members and the stress it caused is still being repaired. I am still learning to cope through it all.
    I also gained valuable time to study and create new content for my learners. Now that I am back out teaching face to face I really appreciated the time I spent home planning and redesigning my products and teaching methods.

  13. So hi I am candy, I have been dealing with depression for over 10 years. It started at 8 when my grandma died and then I started to get molested up until I was 17. I deal with verbal and emotional abuse on a daily basis. I have developed hypertension because of it and I have anxiety every time I have to come home. So I live in the house where it all started and where it is going on rn, so I’m 21 rn, not allowed to leave the house, constantly being cussed and being called an idiot, a disgusting pig etc. At times I find it hard to breathe. All I do at home is cook, clean, wash, and look after a child. I resorted to cutting myself some years ago, but I stopped when I went off to college. But now I am finished with college and back home, my blood pressure is all over the place, my self esteem is at a 0, I’m hurting myself again and I can’t even start a relationship because of this. I go day by day on auto pilot, I hardly eat, i don’t really sleep at night my body is in constant pain and since corona, my tormentor is home 24/7 so I don’t get a break. I can’t breathe. Like I seriously can’t breathe sometimes. Whenever I do sleep I normally wake up crying and feeling numb, I just want to leave I just want it to end. And I’m trying to get a job rn and in this mental stage I can’t even think right

  14. I am trying to post something and it keeps saying Duplicate comment. Looks like I’m too messed up for even this lol.

    • So hi I am candy, I have been dealing with depression for over 10 years. It started at 8 when my grandma died and then I started to get molested up until I was 17. I deal with verbal and emotional abuse on a daily basis. I have developed hypertension because of it and I have anxiety every time I have to come home. So I live in the house where it all started and where it is going on rn, so I’m 21 rn, not allowed to leave the house, constantly being cussed and being called an idiot, a disgusting pig etc. At times I find it hard to breathe. All I do at home is cook, clean, wash, and look after a child. I resorted to cutting myself some years ago, but I stopped when I went off to college. But now I am finished with college and back home, my blood pressure is all over the place, my self esteem is at a 0, I’m hurting myself again and I can’t even start a relationship because of this. I go day by day on auto pilot, I hardly eat, i don’t really sleep at night my body is in constant pain and since corona, my tormentor is home 24/7 so I don’t get a break. I can’t breathe. Like I seriously can’t breathe sometimes. Whenever I do sleep I normally wake up crying and feeling numb, I just want to leave I just want it to end. And I’m trying to get a job rn and in this mental stage I can’t even think right

  15. My experience from this Covid Pandemic has set in is as fellows. I am a Government worker and I am not able to work a little extra hours by doing overtime because of the Curfew that has been imposed. The overtime work assist tremendously as a Parent of 2 kids it help to fill the gaps where my regular salary is not able to fill. I am however very proud of the Government for their work in controlling the pandemic.

  16. This pandemic hit and like all disaster I hope it would quickly disappear. It took about six weeks for me to wake up from the confusion caused by the uncertainty of the time.
    As a relatively new member of the music industry I have enough setbacks and shocks to deal with, artist to release to the world and now a global recession deal with.
    The sooner I accepted the fact that I can’t control these I began to find clarity. I stay spiritually anchored and work on the things I can control. I still have the frustration of working from home on network that make things slower than need s.
    I try to stay depression free by focusing on what I can do something about and rest

  17. I have children none of them are working at this time,two lives with me, two visits from time to time.Nonne of them is working, we need help at this time it’s real hard.

  18. I am a Geriatric Nurse/health Assistant, I normally work with the elderly and infirmed. Since the covid 19,I am out of a job. It’s one struggle for me being unemployed, its stressful because things I normally could buy, I can’t. I am struggling as it is with no form of support system. Question is ,what can the Government do for me as a citizen of this beautiful country?

  19. I really need a braces for my tooth but I need some money and my mom is not working and my dad is not working can anyone help me please ,I will really appreciate it , thanks you

  20. Am here fighting life I was supposed to go in the tap programm bfore the virus came in my baby dad lost his work we sign up and all now we don’t get the money they told me within seven working days then told mi my bank branch not correct I change it and all now over 2 weeks nothing both of us not working with two Kidz

  21. Depression and anxiety aren’t easy to handle many will say do this or do that, however anxiety and depression drains a person both mentally and physically leaving a person without strength. It is true that God can help, you can throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 in the Bible). However for this to be a reality, you would have to see God not as an abstract force but as a real person, someone who wants to be your friend.

  22. My name is Stéphane Stanford, I’m 25 years old and right before this covid issue began my son was born. But since then it’s been nothing but struggling, I can work now but there’s hardly jobs available and my son’s father wasn’t working up until day before yesterday. What I think is more than unfair is that some people get them covid money and other people can’t get. I signed up for it from the day it dropped and all now I can’t see a damn dollar of this wecare money. Ha wecare my ass, where’s this help mi fi a get from April we inna June now so fi 2 months mi barely can eat fi feed myself and my son because all now mi can’t see nuh help a come. My son father get fi him covid money and mi can’t get mine all now wtf a gwan man. Is like this government wah mi and mi son fi dead.

  23. Well I am not at school and I am struggling to cope with zoom the microphones are breaking up and I cannot hear what my teacher is saying. I need a he internet connection please help me I am 9 years of age and I don’t know what to do or what is going to happen please assist my mummy so she can help me .

  24. I am a frontline worker, PHN. I’ve worked at and was in charge at Corn Piece -quarantine zone and also managed a quarantine facility in recent times. My job allows me to give persons the care they need while in quarantine or isolation. Though stressful, I enjoy what I do. At times it can be overwhelming, with the ships workers, fights coming in, Alorica etc, but I ask God before I go out each day to give me strength and wisdom to help those he has placed in my care. I make contact with persons with all the resources necessary to assist those at home. I try my best to be open for questions and if anyone in need I make sure I’m available. What i do, is place myself in their shoes. I ask how would I like to be treated if I was in quarantine or isolation. That’s the care I give. At times I use my own resources to help them as I really would not want to know that their needs are not being met. I thank God for the gift and passion He has given to me for what I do.
    I pray for strength for all frontline workers and also those who are not coping well being in quarantine or isolation. Just trust God. He will take us through these difficult times.

  25. Oh Lord this whole covid thing well I try to cope as best as possible by focusing on positive things such as the word of God do thing around the home that was logging behind I do a little back yard gardening too listen to the radio watch television currently pursuing a Microsoft course @ HEART Trust have to be doing classes on line was doing well until the laptop that was loan to me decide to crash and I lost all my sleepless nights of assignments 2 weeks ago from then I have not been doing any classes I try not to think too much about it because it really stressful it is like I am at a dead end smh otherwise from that I am giving God thanks I am alive and well physically but mentally I don’t think I am a 100%

  26. I feel so depressed. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Sometimes my body feels so weak because I haven’t eaten but I just have no appetite. I’m 27 years old, I work and go to university. But these days I can’t focus neither at work or school. I feel so lost. I just want to give up. Some days I wish I could just die so that i don’t have to experience the pain that I am feeling. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know who to talk to, to truly express the way I’m currently feeling inside. I feel unloved. I feel like no one cares about me. I always do so much and put out the effort for others but no one seems to care about me. I just want to be happy. I wish I could turn my feelings off so I could stop feeling. Someone please pray for me. These days suicide has been on my mind but I don’t think i have the strength/courage to do it. Please HELP! Please tell me how to get out of this darkness and reach the light. Will this situation ever end? Will I ever be happy? Will this feeling last forever? I can’t do this anymore. I don’t have the mental and physical strength to keep carrying on.

  27. I am 22 years old. I have absence seizure and it’s been so hard since the covid 19 virus. I’ve been so stressful I went to the pharmacy to buy medication and they said my prescription was expired. I’ve lost my job and it causes financial problems so I couldn’t go to see the doctor and what makes it difficult for me i have a 1 year old son. The more I think about it the more I have seizure attacks.

  28. Hi this pandemic is realy hard for me its giving me a really hard time to survive as am pregnant at the moment have three kids and mot working at the moment so its really hard all three children suppose to have online classes includimg myself as I’m currently doing Early Childhood level 3 in heart Trust but we cant as i only have one phone and little internet at times. I have a very small shop which also going down. Even the other day i went to JPS to pay bills and they allow me to wait in a very long line as a pregnant woman. Sad. So this pandemic is really affecting me. Am so scared to go out in public as I don’t want to be affected by the virus and then come back home and infect my three children including my unborn child. And this is a little part of my story.

  29. Covid 19 is rough for me no money to help with my boys plus the bills are piling up…… No care packages nothing we are just left to suffer

  30. Not working and I apply for in and I only get back a reply saying am working wish am not working from March

  31. I am 18 years of age. I started a business last September and it wasn’t growing as I would like it to grow. But because of this I was able to make masks and while doing this I had a lot more people to market my brand to and what I do. And now I can say thanks be to God and the we care program for remembering us as the money has helped immensely. I can now put aside money for university.

  32. This pandemic is damaging my educational life because I’m the person that learns by seeing the teacher demonstrate and really teach I can’t learn by just reading my book neither can I learn while at home there is too much things to do and too much distractions. I also find comfort being at school because when I’m home I get into arguments and most time don’t even smile that much but at school I’m surrounded by people who makes me smile.

  33. Am suffering depression,anxiety n financially,I don’t know what to do,I can’t take care of my child bcuz of this crisics, sometimes I feel like giving up, feel like there is no hope n its getting worst daily…

  34. I am 33 years old and I too suffer from anxiety and depression but it has gotten worse over the past few weeks since losing my job. I haven’t eaten from Saturday and don’t feel hungry. I can’t sleep as my kids rest on my mind and more I try and getting no progression to a source of income the more I lose hope. I don’t know where to turn or to stop this feeling and it jus feel as if I am losing it. I even jus don’t want to be processing this on my mind but three is no where to turn.

  35. I am a high school student looking to go off to university however because of covid19 my plans to work and fund myself through college is very blurry. I have applied for many scholarships however I still can’t get the documents required for the scholarships and also, I have tried to apply for student loan and can barely find guarantors. And what makes it even more difficult is that I’m a twin so that’s double expense. All I can do now is have faith in the Lord and I pray that the economy doesn’t tumble and crumble. I also implore that persons reading this please to be careful and preserve our economy and country not only for yourselves but for the generations to come. This is a time where the only thing we can do is pray, have faith and to fast. God is not sleeping and it is time to acknowledge him. #preservejamaica #keepgodclose #havefaith # diminishcovid

  36. Haven’t worked since March 2020, wasn’t qualified for the Compassionate Grant as am not “less fortunate or depraved in our Society” and was seen as “being employed.” I was just getting my self back in the game of saving and investing, while clearing outstanding debts, from a recent hard hit family crisis had drained it previously, now this unexpected pandemic drained it again. WOW!!!! But through it all I give God praise and magnify His Holy Name, because as a single mom I have managed to sling it until now, with the compassionate aid of family associates. My girls gets their school work done online, I have volunteered my time to helping others and have even giving back to others in need. The girls and I, and my cousin have not lacked. We continue to praise God for favouring us and continue in gratitude and thanksgiving to Him and all the persons who graciously blessed us. I am looking forward to going back to my part-time employment, my girls are looking forward to summer time, beach flow, COVID-19 free, and my cousin have already restarted his employ. We continue to pray for our first responders, close family associates and every other person, and are being hopeful that this too shall pass, and we who remain alive will glorify the Most High God and give Him thanks for sparing our lives. We send out condolences to the families of those who lost loved ones during this pandemic. Bless up to all the unsung heroes and heroines. Bless up to our heads of Government, PNP and JLP, the same. Bless up to our newsroom operators, who kept us duly informed and updated. #gratitudeisamust

  37. I am so stressed out depression takes the best of me most of the time. I have to be taking my daughter to the doctor and teaching her as well. I also care for my older brother who is unable to care for himself i also help taking care of my grandmother its no bed of rose trust me

  38. Honestly it’s been very hard dealing with this pandemic, worst of all being a single mom and not working for the few months. I’ve never experienced anything as hard as the last week’s and the get promises from the government about financial help through the SETCASH and got nothing. I had to battle it out and still battling and waiting for the country to open up fully even though am worried because I work in the tourism industry. It’s just hard!

  39. Having a hard time paying Bill’s lost my job and have 3 kids getting really depressed plus applied to the we care programme and didn’t get thru smh

  40. Covid has been a major blessing.I get time away from my evil co-workers who I merely tolerate and thus God heard my prayers and delivered me from that stressful environment.I miss going out but being alone with my child has been my routine for years so technically I don’t miss being around people.I have managed to pay all my bills and buy food just that I wish I had more money to do something major like build my house.God has been great although I get miserable sometimes but I really needed covid to get away from all the stressful daily routines I was going through.

  41. We are not ready for cxc …. do they plan to give hand sanitizers and mask? Or fix transportation issues. Some students won’t even focus. We have family members who have other sickness . Should we expose them? I prefer to fail cxc .

  42. I can say it’s a triumph for me, my mental health is intact and so is my family.
    I remain focus and went to work all the pandemic. Do what I suppose to do to stay safe.
    Although I did not lost my income I had to spend more on food, bills and home care.
    And what I notice there was no stimulus for us who keep the country open.

  43. Depressed . I don’t want to attend school for cxc classes. They don’t have proper resources to deal with the situation. Hand sanitizers are raised, alcohol and taxis drivers and most citizen take mask wearing for a joke. Friends so still to out. Taxi packed. Do they care for us at all?

  44. I am struggling with hypertension an because of this trauma it sends me to the hospital.i can hardly manage I am a single mom no work nothing no food pretty hard for me.

  45. Not very well. I have been feeling hopeless and depressed filled with anxiety trying to find work to get through this pandemic. Hoping for a better opportunity and for this to end. Feeling worthless and reaching out for help.

  46. Hello, i’m 20yrs right now my mental health is all over the place, i’m depresss have been from a very young age but no one knows. Due to the current situation and staying at home, my mind is overloaded i can’t talk to my family about what’s going on upside, because they won’t sit and listen. The next thing that got me stress out is that no one is working which means no income. The whole situation is stressing me out and i feel like I’m going to lose my mind.

  47. I am not working I am 60 years old I can’t get to do any work many night I go to bed without food also I am depress lonely and feeling abandon

  48. Good evening to be honest with you i don’t let it bother me I just do what they say we’re to do an follow the rules an stay in side thou sometime I will worry about my family but just pray an let God do the rest

  49. University student living on mah own. Was working to afford necessary bills and this really just put me down. Don’t know how next semester going cause I’m out of a job. Just praying and hoping for the best

  50. I struggle with anxiety , I am favoured by some neighbour to give encouragement in talk or groceries
    I am not working, no one never choose me to give back as physical resource. I am tired

  51. Honestly, it has been a struggle because my partner was is unable to make money like before and I am the only one still working and it has caused a strain on me because I am now providing for everyone in the household and it is like hand to mouth. I have to owing certain bills due to the strain. It has also caused fear in me not knowing who has it from who doesn’t, I am so afraid to catch this virus because I have ailments and two of my kids has full blown sickle cell disease but God is good.

  52. I am stressed behond control. I am a single parent of three and I lost my job due to covid 19. Sometimes I get mad at my kids out of frustration and I also think that I am failing them as a mom. I often get very emotional and that causes me to have terrible headaches like everyday

  53. I work with schools so since March I av no work I get up everyday looking at 4 walls. a family member as killed himself due to depression n I av lost friends overseas due to covid 19 n other family members almost weekly as died. no funeral for them as yet due to covid n limits on crowed. I work along side two other co-workers one died last week due to hard times he just got married one year now with his first child only 6 months old n he is also and only child for his mother. since that my dad that is in d police force got sick was in d hospital now I’m having heart problems the doctor says my heart is racing due to all these stress no money no job but Bills still coming rent owning. It’s hard to find food to eat but people have been giving me food but money is hard to get I need help with my Bills every month . I help take care of my parents now I can’t my mental state is all over the place

  54. Hi…I almost did not share my story but in light of the stress Covid-19 has brought-I thought someone would benefit positively from my story. In the first month, being home for so long with a massive scaled down version of my life, disrupted my sleeping pattern immensely. So I tried to find activities that would help to give me a routine as well as guarantee that I would fall asleep earlier. I started an exercising routine with my family using watsapp video call; we also organised a family online sporting competition, played a variety of games, read books, participated in church online group challenges, and I started a blog to encourage and inspire others. In essence, I found stuff to do that I would not normally have the time to do. Conclusively, all these activities led me feeling spiritually, physically and mentally better within a few days.

  55. Am not doing well since this covid 19 virus am a mother of four and i use to do bar work but since the virus out i am unable to work this is driving me mad since than i have a headache over two months now that i can get ride of i have even went to the doctor get pill but still no help from the pills

  56. I’ve had moments of struggle but I have a close family unit and church. I love movies so when I am not working I watch various TV series and it keeps me distracted.Refocussing helps; too much social media and bad news will cause you to feel depressed all the time. You have to limit your exposure to news and actively select what you give attention to.

  57. I did my third interview for a new job a few days after Covid came to Jamaica. I was told that I will be called back after things are back to normal. I have not worked since January with bills, rent and a high schooler who has live online classes five days per week. Saying I am stressed out is an understatement.

  58. Tried to apply for compassionate grant there was an issue I did what I was told it when I contacted ministry of finance they didn’t even respond.So me and my two small children must struggle.And I am stressed thinking about school.Basic science says breathing back the same air we let out can’t be healthy …I don’t believe it and my child will have to wear a mask all day to go to school.I Am worried

  59. Struggling mentally, emotionally, financially. Lost my job, my semester just started; and worrying how I’m going to pay my tuition, rent, etc. I’ve been trying all avenues all dead ends. Struggling to see the point of anything anymore, all my hardwork about to go down the drain.

  60. Am depressed I usually rear chickens that has stopped I HV two daughters one child father out of a job and only $1500 a week from the other I HV beg and beg money to feed myself and then at times I do get some thank God the oldest is to start high school and the second is still in pampas only the grace of God bringing me true am not a healthy either sick with asthma among other things and HV to be taking a pill every day to stay alive stress is my new name since this virus and even before too I am not in a relationship so I HV to fend for myself .

  61. I too struggled a lot no money my Bill’s piling up on me no food this is the hardest it as ever been in my life my pressure was so high that the doctor was surprised I dont get stroke I have headache for days and sleepless night

  62. It’s been really stressful not being able to see my family as I am an essential worker but I pray alot and make a huge effort to call and talk to them frequently. I know several counsellors and talk out my anxieties when I’m getting down. I would like to help others get through this because I believe that this too shall pass. Georgia.

  63. Depression is real. Financial problems is real. Its a heavy burden. Mental issue is forthcoming. Things will never be the same

  64. Good afternoon thank God not really depressed nor really having a anxiety attacks but struggling cause I am a single mother of 3 still working giving thanks again even though it is a minimum wage am still great full plus helping my mom and dad but thinking about it might be stressful so I try to live for each day as I thank God for each day given by. God so just breathe take it easy and always remember that you have it bad but there’s always someone one worse than you I sound very calm but it’s not like that am currently looking some her to live as in a piece of land plus where am at its just 1 room with,2 broken beds for 5of us plus I av no light cause I cannot afford to sting up my light so always have faith that one day maybe my situation will change continue praying for better Day peace and love

  65. Still awaiting on the compassionate grant to help buy my medications got a text from 4 of may to say 5 days time all know it dont reach my back account send numerous emails and call each person tell something different say it sent to the bank from the 4 yet it still dont in my account is this a game the government playing this is my covid story

  66. I’m so stress out no water in glengoffe and I have kids, no water at the rivers neither, I feel depressed because of this Corona and I can’t even get a work to take care of my kids feel like I’m going insane sigh.

  67. I am suffering from depression I stopped working for two and a half months struggling to keep up with my bills was trying to get through with the government grant but was unable to do so I really would like to get at little help thanks

  68. I’ve been super depressed and have alot of anxiety. I am pregnant and the depression is making it worst. I can’t sleep good at nights because I am up worrying and thinking when will be the next meal for my children.

  69. I lost my job as a result of the covid 19 I have a wife and a son I was relieved wen the Gov advised they would help with the care program I went online and submitted requests and the company I was working with send them my p45 however I was advised that I wasn’t eligible because I was still working I was so disappointed still without a job but God will take care of us

  70. Struggling with depression it’s really hard to deal with I am 24?years old and I am unemployed my number is 3500221

  71. Feeling really depress and alone in this world and not working is making me feel really worthless because I have two kids and I cannot support them or properly take care of them and the worst part is that I’m a single mom living with family members and a lot of time they say things that hurt me now I have a really low self esteem and sometimes I feel like giving up and jus relief everyone of being a bother to them but I have to jus try and fight for the sake of my kids, I’ve cried so many nights till I even now develop a headache that I get very often and no matter the pills I take doesn’t seem to ease the pain I am stress out and fed up.

  72. I am currently feeling a bit lost and tired of this situation. Since covid I have not worked and heard nothing from my employer even today as the government is opening back up things. I have a surgery to do and because of coronia I can’t get a date each time I go to the doctor they are telling me come next month and let’s see when I went back in may I was told come again in July. I am not working and desperately in need of a job I have to use my savings I had to survive from March until now. I tried to apply for the government set care cash, but my employer never paid over our taxes so I was disqualified. It’s boring being at home just watching television, eating, reading, surfing the internet and cooking. Now I am trying to search the internet for jobs I can apply to hopefully something will turn my way soon. I was told when I went to the doctor my pressure was a little high, and I never had that problem. Not working from March so your not earning a salary, used up all your savings, your no longer independent, you need to relocate and find somewhere to rent and live, plus I need surgery for the fibroids cause I am constantly in pain. Who would not be stressed out and having pressure if you were in my situation?????

  73. I have been working at a company as a recruiting coordinator since 2015. Just when the opportunity presents itself, I applied to UTECH to pursue a degree but covid-19 happened.I lost my job and still losing ,this has been devastating as I’m a mother of two with prior obligations and no income. I have 5 CSEC with recruiting experience, all I’m seeking is an opportunity to continue where I stopped and in order to do so I need a job. I’ve applied to some many places and nothing. I’m trying my best but it’s hard when I can’t even find a silver lining. I just need a job no hand outs

  74. I had depression issues before but the desire to end my life has never been stronger …….. the only thing that keeps me going is my parents and my daughter and everything is just too much beginning to lose my purpose to stay alive…..

  75. I’m still stressing I’m a bartender and I have 3 year old to feed …I’m I lost my home duing the corona my stuff is all over the place and I had to give my son to friends to keep because I can’t feed him this we care money still as receive it I don’t know what is going to happen to me and my son

  76. I am 55yrs old and I currently stay at a Shelter in Montego Bay. One of my main challenge since the Covid19 situation is accessing my medication – Cyclophosphamide Tablets, Lanzap Tablets and Caltrate 600+D supplements. Which is difficult to get in Montego Bay and struggles me financially

  77. I’m having internet issues and had to been using mobile data for online classes. Flow was promoting there 30 days unlimited data plan so I activated it and in about two weeks they sent me a message stating that I have used up the allotment data for this plan so I don’t know why they are saying that you get unlimited data when you don’t.

  78. I have been struggling both mentally and financially. I am in pain and I know it’s a result of this COVID-19, I can’t focus and sometimes I think I am going insane. My mom has an amputated leg, she is blind and diabetic, hypertensive and has high cholesterol and I am her primary caregiver. Based on her situation I have to stay home and my husband is afraid to go out as well as a result of this COVID-19 bcus he doesn’t want to be blame incase something goes wrong. I need help! We need help!!!

  79. I have been deabetic 2 years now it’s not been control always high can barley see am on insulin 80/40 an metformin 1000 gm most of the time my mom Ave to be up an down from clinic to hospital with me am just 29 years old my.

  80. I was diagnosed with the Auto-immune disease Vasculitis, which caused me to be partially blind and partially deaf and which requires me to be admitted to UWI Hospital for IV Treatment of Cyclophosphamide 500mg and Dexamethasone 300mg for 5 days
    Due to the Covid19 situation I am unable to travel from Montego Bay to Kingston for my regular Treatment

  81. Been at home for a while and I’m running out of money to pay my rent and i have no more money leave to buy food we really need to go back to work people got bills to pay and i have a little sister that i help to send to school and she’s doing cxc and I’m the one that help her to school I don’t even know how she will manage with me not working people have family and bills not because i am a dancer don’t mean i don’t have bills and family smh being broke is the main reason I’m a dancer and My family in poverty is second

  82. I am not depressed, but I am worried. Lost my job was laid off with no pay and I am pregnant bills backing up and food is needed. I get a little help but they have their struggles too, the day hours were cut so it’s really hard. If I can get a job I am willing to work even remotely to help myself. Not much will hire a pregnant woman, I jusy start showing I am 4 months.

  83. The Covid crisis has created many challenges but I must say I have seen compassion, dedication, love… among my fellow beings that gave me hope. I am fortunate to be among the young and healthy and as of such I volunteered to shop for or conduct business on behalf of the elderly folks in my area. Everyone, was willing to share. A man in a wheelchair was willing to share his coconut with other elderly folks and so I had to collect from one to give to the other. Persons with three or more children still offering to help others. Everyone with a little more was willing to share. It is a heartwarming experience .

  84. I longed for a period of ME TIME and no hustle and bustle….covid19 pandemic provided that escape. I savored every moment like good wine. Thank God I have not lost any relative or relationship, in fact I built some. I ensured family and parents were provided for as I still got paid as a public sector worker. I am not scared but cautious and looking forward to a better world.

  85. I am a parent of two(2) and I’m a university student too…both are not going so well for me. My daughter cant access classes because of outstanding balance owed to her school. I got a job recently and Covid-19 took it away. I live by the mercies of God. Thank God for his grace and mercy. I need help

  86. I have been out of work since the pandemic however the minister of Finance seems to think that because I am not an employee I am not qualified for the Seth cash grant but being a contractor never disqualify me from paying taxes just when it’s time to benefit from it that status matters while Jamaicans who work abroad wasn’t even questioned before rewarded.

  87. I am a 29 year male with 2 young girls and I lost my job due to the COVID-19. Feeling depress searching for a job can’t find any

  88. Good afternoon my name is Nadine I’m giving God thanks I’ve manage to keep me and my family safe from the virus and overall health in good condition,however I’m extremely depress because I’m not able to provide for my kids as use to I’ve not worked from the corona episode and I’ve not gotten any assistance from non of the ministry help,I sign up and didn’t got through,I’ve no internet nor my kids have no tablets so they miss out on some of their lesson

  89. Hi my name is keniesha am a mother of three after loosing my job because of the Corona virus I lost my home I haven’t seen my children from March because am unable to provide there basic needs . Have been extremely depress because am lost and confuse my children are my everything I talked to them every now and then when I get credit a something as simple as a phone I can’t afford . I have been through alot growing have been molested and rape as a child sometimes I feel like giving up but my children give me hope not having them around me are the fact that I can’t even buy them a night meal even tho they aren’t around me breaks me . My two eldest child asked me Everytime I talk to them mommy when are you coming for me and all I can say is soon baby mommy will come and get you soon knowing deep down in my heart I have no idea when that will be . My middle child is suffering the most because he is so attached me smh pray for me guys because this is a hard road .

  90. I fret everyday mostly for my mom and dad and older brother he has asthma. I’m very close to them and this is very stressful .The financial struggle is also adding to it. Its very hard to cope at this I’m starting to have constant headache.

  91. This is my story I am giving God thanks for life I am a single mom we are out of food bill are piling up I didn’t get the grant from the government not my adolt son we are fostrating every day he call the ncb bank for his balance and nothing I told him to stop I can see the pain in his eyes him said mom I am out of even deodorant I am feeling pain all over my body I know that is stress and I am a diabetic I really need help I am not working not my son please help him to get a job I need lasco and other things for my 7year old son please help me

  92. I fret everyday mostly for my mom and dad and older brother he has asthma. I’m very close to them and this is very stressful . And the financial struggle is adding to it. Its very hard to cope I’m starting to have constant headache.

  93. I am a college student both parents out of work one is currently in the hospital fighting to be able to walk against, I am more than depress I am exhausted. The school assignments are difficult and I can’t even focus it’s unfair how students are being treated like this Corona dont affect us so we should just keep performing like we use to. I am on the edge of a cliff and jps pushed me over with a bill for 14000 when we normally pay 2000. I am giving up loosing hope wondering will be I be at peace when will I be happy, when will i get what i worked hard for??

    • Hi, don’t give up. Let jps knows that the bill is incorrect and let them know that your parents are not working. There are government. Agencies out there to help. Contact
      WeCare 888-4 care. Call your relatives for help

    • The ministry is suppose to help u with your internet service. If you’re on PATH they should help. Otherwise u can ask jps ncb or banks to assist u

  94. I’m also suffering from depression I’m 23 years old and been out of work from April get laid off, I’m so stressed have a child to take care of and without my job it’s really hard.

  95. In distress, been trying get a child out of the US and back to Jamaica have done re entry process everything that has bee asked. No response this is causing me stress. I want him home with his natural parents

  96. Hello Orneillia. As I have said to Shevene, you are not alone. You can and will get through this. Please contact the Ministry’s helpline at 888-NEW-LIFE (888-639-5433) and the team will assist you.

  97. I’m also suffering from depression and anxiety, been having a headaches for the past week. Its so bad I haven’t slept for more than 2 hr during the day and cannot sleep at nights. Lost of appetite and taste…… I’m think I’m actually failing my kids as a mother. I too am feeling lost there are days when I wish I would not wake up.

    • Keep the faith Mom….. God have you… Just keep doing the best you can for you and your kids… Blessings is coming to you.

    • Let it Jesus lift your faith and he will see you through I am a child of God once struggle with it God will do it for you if you’re not baptize please go and get baptize give him a chance

    • Depression is a very serious issue. Have u seen your doctor? Anyway stop watching the news and focus on your children and not the issues. Stay safe and drink tea to calm u down

  98. Currently struggling with depression and anxiety and it’s really hard to deal with it. How can I be able to overcome this? I am 23 years old but it started when i was 20 when i started university.

    • Hello Shevene. Please contact the Ministry’s help line at 888-NEW-LIFE (888-639-5433) and the team will assist you. Meanwhile, know that you are not alone; a lot of other persons struggle with depression and anxiety.

      • Corona spikes mental health. Not a joke being alone with depression etc. What other strategizes are there ? Than the help line. Words sometimes hurt more

      • I have been trying to post my story but it won’t upload. So hi I am candy, I have been dealing with depression for over 10 years. It started at 8 when my grandma died and then I started to get molested up until I was 17. I deal with verbal and emotional abuse on a daily basis. I have developed hypertension because of it and I have anxiety every time I have to come home. So I live in the house where it all started and where it is going on rn, so I’m 21 rn, not allowed to leave the house, constantly being cussed and being called an idiot, a disgusting pig etc. At times I find it hard to breathe. All I do at home is cook, clean, wash, and look after a child. I resorted to cutting myself some years ago, but I stopped when I went off to college. But now I am finished with college and back home, my blood pressure is all over the place, my self esteem is at a 0, I’m hurting myself again and I can’t even start a relationship because of this. I go day by day on auto pilot, I hardly eat, i don’t really sleep at night my body is in constant pain and since corona, my tormentor is home 24/7 so I don’t get a break. I can’t breathe. Like I seriously can’t breathe sometimes. Whenever I do sleep I normally wake up crying and feeling numb, I just want to leave I just want it to end. And I’m trying to get a job rn and in this mental stage I can’t even think right

        • “I can’t breathe.” I know that statement all too well. You literally feel like you can’t breathe, right? This might be foolish but what I want to say to you is “BREATHE”. Don’t just read the word think about it. It might help so I could not scroll past your story. In the times when my anxiety or depression got the best of me and unknowingly it feels like I stop breathing. I pause, focus, and say to myself “breathe”. What a lot of people don’t know is focusing on your breathing and calm you and also works if you have insomnia. Why? Because breathing is a complicated process once you think about it. Focus on the air entering, you don’t have to know all the details but what stages does it go through before it leaves your body? This works to ground yourself even if you would rather not face reality. What are some interests you have? You are not alone! I’m not just saying that Shadae, you really are not alone. I was operating in autopilot for many years and to be honest reading your story felt like I was reading something I wrote. I still go in autopilot mode because I am still learning but what makes this life worth living is the purpose I found in my interests. I decided I needed to make mental health more recognized in Jamaica. It exists and people are hurting. I have many interests and they keep me going. Journaling, sketching, etc. Anything you have the slightest interest in will help. this won’t happen forever so keep fighting! You’ve come this far because you are STRONGER than you know. So keep going!

      • I am on the edge about to kill myself, I called the helpline twice and was too that the line was busy helping others. I take that as a sign.

    • I don’t know much about depression and anxiety however I know it’s a heavy weight to carry…. what I normally tell my friend who suffers from these illnesses is to keep praying for one.. work on your faith… talk to god…have your quite time with God and bond with him…be optimistic…do things that make u happy…think of happy things…not things that makes you more depressed or susceptible to anxiety attacks… once it is that you have great faith in God that the storm shall pass and believe that the illness will pass then so it shall be…you just have to believe it and speak it into being… you are in my prayers and I pray that these illnesses be diminished from you body and soul and pray that the lord penetrates optimism and content within you… whatever you do try not to think or be pessimistic. That will just let you sink deeper into the hole you’re already in. But take God’s hand and he will lift you up and shower down his many blessings upon you…I know it!

    • I don’t know much about depression and anxiety however I know it’s a heavy weight to carry…. what I normally tell my friend who suffers from these illnesses is to keep praying for one.. work on your faith… talk to god…have your quite time with God and bond with him…be optimistic…do things that make u happy…think of happy things…not things that makes you more depressed or susceptible to anxiety attacks… once it is that you have great faith in God that the storm shall pass and believe that the illness will pass then so it shall be…you just have to believe it and speak it into being… you are in my prayers and I pray that these illnesses be diminished from you body and soul and pray that the lord penetrates optimism and content within you… whatever you do try not to think or be pessimistic. That will just let you sink deeper into the hole you’re already in. But take God’s hand and he will lift you up and shower down his many blessings upon you…I know it!

    • There are stressed tablets u can buy over the counter. Also u need too start a journal, write down everything u have to do and then cross out as u go along. Don’t drink caffeine before bed. No tea coffee, coke, Pepsi. Drink fruit juices or clear soda.

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