Equipment and medical supplies valued at J$16 million was donated on Thursday, June 23, 2016, to the Cornwall Regional Hospital from proceeds of the Sagicor Sigma Corporate Run 2015. The donation is in aid of the special care nursery in order to strengthen the Paediatric Unit of the hospital.
Minister of Health Dr. Christopher Tufton extended commendations to Sagicor Life Jamaica Ltd through the Sigma Corporate Run for their level of commitment, dedication and the unwavering support and contribution to the health sector. Minister Tufton was speaking at the presentation ceremony held on Thursday, June 23, 2016, at the Cornwall Regional Hospital Conference Room in Montego Bay, St. James.
“The Sigma Corporate Run represents a well-organized event and it speaks to the reputation and credibility of the Organizers. The worthiness of this cause is truly remarkable and I want to recognize and commend Sagicor Life Jamaica Ltd. The contribution from Sagicor has been significant over the years and has impacted not only on the lives of many Jamaicans but also contributed to the improvement and development of our society,” he said.

The Minister added that “the corporate run symbolizes the willingness of Jamaicans to give back to a worthy cause and I want to also thank all sponsors and participants whose interests and contributions have made the Sigma Corporate Run a success. Oftentimes the public health care system cannot provide all the solutions for the health needs and so requires partnership with the private sector and citizens in order to meet the demand.”
The Sigma Corporate Run is in its 18th year and has donated to several projects in the health sector over the years.
The equipment and medical supplies donated include Ventilators, Incubators, Phototherapy Lamps, Resuscitators, Patient Monitor, Bassinets, Suction Machines, Utility Trolleys, TV Stands, Portable Oxygen Sat Machines, Irma Tru-point blood gas analyser with supplies. Sagicor has also donated an air conditioning unit and welcome and entrance signs to the hospital.
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