Home Press Releases Health & Wellness Ministry Calls for Health Research Abstracts

Health & Wellness Ministry Calls for Health Research Abstracts

: Five major research areas will be explored, when the Ministry of Health & Wellness hosts its 12th Annual National Health Research Virtual Conference in November 17-19 of this year under the theme “COVID-19 Year in Review: A Multi-dimensional Perspective.” The research areas include COVID-19 Areas (Vaccines, Laboratory Technology, Maternal Health, National Security, Mental Health, and Epidemiology), Health Economics, Gender Based Violence, Public Health Advances and Non-Communicable Diseases.

Abstracts not exceeding 250 words are welcomed via the MOHW website https://www.moh.gov.jm/12th-annual-national-health-research-virtual-conference-call-for-abstracts/ by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 13, 2021 for consideration by the Conference Secretariat. Authors are reminded to review all instructions for abstract submission on our website. The Conference Secretariat also welcomes abstracts of high quality research findings that do not fall under the Conference theme.”

Authors of successful abstracts will have the opportunity to share research findings with policy makers, stakeholders, general public and an international audience who will attend the conference; contribute to advances in their field of work or study and be eligible for awards for best oral presentation, best poster presentation, best student presentation and research most likely to influence policy.

Dr. Karen Webster Kerr, National Epidemiologist at the Ministry of Health & Wellness notes that “Presenters will also benefit from the discussion and feedback to improve their research before submitting to publishers of academic journals. Abstracts will be reviewed by a committee and recommended for oral or poster presentation based on the judging criteria. One of the major criteria will

be the ability of the research to impact programmes and influence policy in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, within local and global health sector as well as the scientific soundness of the research.”

In addition, the methodology should be clearly defined along with an understood objective(s) and detailed and relevant data analysis. Abstracts are to be accompanied by a cover letter, authorizing the Ministry to publish same in the Conference booklet.

“Students, who present research in partial fulfillment of an undergraduate or post-graduate degree, will be eligible for the best student presentation award, which will be announced at the Conference” Dr. Webster Kerr added.

The National Health Research Conference, now in its 12th year, showcases operational research that can guide public health policies and programmes and provides the opportunity to interrogate health care research that provides insight into disease trends and risk factors, together with outcomes of treatment, and the socio-economic implications.