Home Coronavirus Health Ministry Updates and Reissues COVID-19 Guidelines for Health Facilities

Health Ministry Updates and Reissues COVID-19 Guidelines for Health Facilities

The Ministry of Health and Wellness has updated and reissued guidelines for infection prevention and control in health facilities, even as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

According to Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jacquiline Bisasor McKenzie, “health centres, hospitals and other health facilities remain an area of high vulnerability because patients with respiratory symptoms will visit for care. There is also an increased risk of exposure and transmission of COVD-19 in these situations. Vulnerable persons frequent these facilities and are at an increased risk of exposure, while healthcare workers, if infected, can transmit to the vulnerable population as well.”

The Ministry therefore has put out guidelines that all persons going to health facilities must wear masks; adhere to hand washing and hand sanitizing protocols and physical distancing rules. Healthcare workers must also apply standard infection prevention and control precautions in all situations and must wear masks and other personal protective equipment as necessary in all healthcare settings.

At the same time, health facilities must maintain the process of triaging for patients with respiratory symptoms. Dr. McKenzie added that “It is critical to screen all persons at the first point of contact followed by immediate isolation. All persons who become ill must isolate and the management of the patient should be guided by the clinical management and isolation protocols.”