Home Press Releases Adopted: Slipe Pen Road Comprehensive Health Centre

Adopted: Slipe Pen Road Comprehensive Health Centre

Rainforest Seafoods recently signed a memorandum of understanding, officially adopting the Slipe Pen Road Comprehensive Health Centre in Kingston.

This is courtesy of the Adopt-A-Clinic programme of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, designed to allow private sector entities, non-governmental organisations and individuals to respond to the infrastructure needs of health centres across the island. One hundred such facilities have been prioritised for adoption by the Ministry.

Rainforest’s adoption brings to 14 the number of facilities adopted to date. Under the adoption, the company has committed to invest $6 million over the next three years (up to 2021) in improvements at the facility.

Rainforest Seafoods General Manager, Jerome Miles, speaking at the July 5 official adoption ceremony, said it was in his company’s best interest to adopt the health centre, given its proximity to their head office. It is a facility, he noted, that some of his employees oftentimes visit for medical attention.

Minister Tufton thanked the company for their contribution, while urging others to follow the entity’s example.

“I want to thank Rainforest Seafoods for their demonstration of corporate social responsibility and in the public health interest of Jamaicans. We have in this private sector entity a supporter of this facility,” he said.

“Speaking in my Sectoral earlier this year, I noted the importance of partnerships to our efforts to successfully improve the public health system, ensuring the delivery of the highest attainable quality of care to our people over the long term. Partnerships, ladies and gentlemen, is the life blood of this programme,” the minister added.