Home Press Releases CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – Ministry of Health & Wellness Annual National Health Research Conference 2019

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – Ministry of Health & Wellness Annual National Health Research Conference 2019

The Ministry of Health & Wellness Annual National Health Research Conference is scheduled to be held on November 21-22, 2019. Abstracts on (i) mental health, (ii) nutrition, (iii) best practices, (iv) advances in medicine and (v) Sickle Cell Disease, will be showcased. 

Abstracts of high quality research that do not fall under the themes above, will also be accepted. 

The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday September 20, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. Submissions are to be e-mailed to NHRC-abstracts@moh.gov.jm. Attachments should not exceed 10 MB. 

Please see the attached Call for Abstracts document for further details regarding the format of the abstract, as well the submission process. In summary:

  • Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should be organized as aims/objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. The conclusion should reflect the findings of the study;
  • A word count must be included at the end of the document;
  • The document should be organized with the title at the top along with the name(s) of all authors and the institutions to which they are affiliated;
  • The corresponding author, along with their email address should be indicated;
  • There should be no tables, figures, pictures, graphs, etc. in the abstract;
  • The abstract must be properly constructed and grammatically correct;
  • The scientific soundness of the research will be evaluated, which includes objectives that are clearly stated, and a methodology that is adequate to answer these objectives;
  • Data analysis must be robust and results well presented, and include tests for significance as needed;
  • A cover letter must be submitted with the abstract to indicate that all authors have agreed to the submission and give their permission for the abstract to be published in the National Health Research Conference booklet;
  • The author is welcome to indicate whether the research is in partial fulfillment of an undergraduate or post-graduate degree in order to be eligible for the prize for best student presentation.


You are asked to circulate this announcement widely amongst your colleagues as well as at your institutions. We thank you for your continued participation and support of the National Health Research Conference.