Home Presentations Update on the Dengue Outbreak in Jamaica by Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton – Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Update on the Dengue Outbreak in Jamaica by Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton – Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Mr. Speaker, I wish to update this honourable house and the people of Jamaica on the current position of the dengue outbreak. As at February 8, the Ministry of Health has classified 1,166 suspected, presumed, or confirmed dengue cases with dates of onset in 2019.  2018, we had 1,023 suspected and confirmed cases. The weekly number of cases appears to be plateauing, while we need to wait for another two to three weeks to be sure’ this is an encouraging sign.

The largest number of suspected/presumed/confirmed dengue cases for 2019 to date was notified from, Saint Catherine with 313 followed by Kingston and St. Andrew with 177; St. Ann 121; St. Mary 75; St. Thomas 6; St. James 54 and Clarendon 49.

Mr. Speaker, as at February 8, 2019, there have been 6 confirmed deaths, five (5) from Kingston & St. Andrew and one (1) from Portland. These confirmed deaths have been children under the age of 14 years old.




Mr. Speaker the most effective way to contain this outbreak is through community engagement and I have had the opportunity over the last month to visit all 14 parishes to review the work being done.

I am pleased to report that the enhanced vector control programme was continued and approximately 1,000 vector workers were engaged for a period of 3 months. Fogging and larvicidal activities were increased across the island and all high risk areas; areas with cluster of cases and key institutions (including schools) were targeted.

Mr. Speaker, I can report that during the month of January, the following vector control activities were carried out:

  • 1,222 visits in communities for house to house inspection (with repeat visits done) this represents an approximate 69% increase over the previous 5 months;
  • 390 Fogging Sessions completed with 1,260 areas fogged;
  • 242,924 Containers Inspected and 31,688 Containers treated;
  • 320 Key Premises Inspected (Tyre Shops, Garages and Dump Sites)
  • 1,226 Key Institutions Inspected (Schools, Hospitals, Infirmaries, Lock-ups)
  • 724 Key Areas Inspected (high risk communities, markets, urban centres, ports of entry)


Mr Speaker, a part of our community engagement has been the involvement of members of this honourable house and the 13 municipal corporations, of which Cabinet has approved $55.7 Million to Members of Parliament and $100 Million to the corporations to undertake vector control activities.

To date Mr. Speaker a total of over $600 Million has been allocated to the Dengue Outbreak response.



Mr. Speaker, the Ministry of Health has partnered with several agencies and entities in its response to the dengue outbreak including:

  • The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), which has been given a list of critical communities from which bulky waste was to be removed.
  • The National Works Agency (NWA)

Drains susceptible to the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito were targeted for cleaning. 

  • USAID continued to support the Ministry during the outbreak through the ZAP programme. One Hundred and Fifty-Eight (158) ZAP workers were re-engaged in January to assist the Ministry and have carryout activity in 94 communities.
  • THE JAMAICA REDCROSS, which has mobilized its volunteers across the island with some 2,000 volunteers, to be mobilized to distribute educational fliers in several communities.

Mr. Speaker, we have also had tremendous support from the CHASE FUND, TEF, UNICEF, PAHO and Food for the Poor.

Of note, I wish to mention members of the private sector that have also provided support in responding to the dengue outbreak. I must make mention of our telecommunications service providers that helped enhance our public education campaign by reaching over 1.3 million persons with dengue prevention and protection messages.



Mr. Speaker work continues in clinical management with the sustained sensitisation of all private and public doctors. Parish Medical officers of health were re-sensitized on response and enhanced surveillance, the integrated management strategy to include enhanced vector control activities, and clinical management.

A series of training Workshops for Clinicians across the four health regions were held and electronic copies of current clinical guidelines on dengue prevention and control where disseminated.

Additionally, Mr. Speaker, copies of Dengue Protocols were sent to all hospitals, and the medical and nursing associations.

Our Extended opening hours programme continues to facilitate increased access by patients needing medical care at selected health centres.

Mr. Speaker, in relation to availability of medication, through the Ministry’s Health Emergency Operation Centre (EOC), the stock levels of certain drugs continues to be monitored including Paracetamol tablets, Paracetamol Syrup, Oral Rehydration Products and Intravenous fluids.

Mr. Speaker, again, I wish to reassure the public that the team at the Ministry of Health is doing all that they can to ensure the best possible health outcomes for those currently affected by dengue and to prevent the spread of the virus to other members of the population.

For the month of February, working with our regional and international collaborators, CARPHA and PAHO/WHO, we will sustain our response efforts from ramped up vector control management, public education and clinical management.

We urge Jamaicans search for and destroy mosquito breeding sites around their homes; visit their doctors if they experience symptoms and follow the prescribed course of treatment.

Thank You

Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, MP

Minister of Health