Download the Short Term Volunteer Form

  1. Letter of application explaining your Mission, giving proposed dates, services to be delivered in as much detail as possible must be sent at least six (6) to eight (8) weeks before the planned date of arrival.
  2. The volunteer group or individual should have a local contact, the name and address of whom should be submitted to the Ministry.
  3. The local health authorities at parish and regional levels must be involved and must endorse the activities you plan to carry out, including the venue and personnel involved.  You should therefore contact one or more of the following persons at the local or regional levels.
    • The Regional Director
    • The Regional Technical Director
    • The Medical Officer (Health)
    • The Parish Manager

The address and contact numbers for these officials are given in the attached.

Once the local health authorities approve of the activities, you will need to apply for special registration of the various professionals who will be members of your team (see forms enclosed, which can be copied).  Along with the completion of these forms, for each professional you need to send:

The approved documents are then forwarded to headquarters for endorsement then submitted to the relevant Councils for registration.  Each Council has its own fees for the registration of the particular professionals.

On receipt of registration from the relevant councils application is then made to the Ministry of Labour for Work Permit Exemption.

  1. A report on the activities carried out during the Mission is also required at the end of the visit.  This report should include:
    • Number of clients seen
    • Type of services delivered
    • Diagnoses made
    • Treatment given
    • Disposal/referral of clients for follow-up. (Specific names of practitioners and institutions required).
  2. The Ministry of Health will not be responsible for any debt incurred by the volunteer group or individual.  The group/individual must stand the full cost of all activities, including airfares, accommodation, meals, transportation and any other materials and supplies to be used while on the Mission.