Home Press Releases Ministry of Health and Wellness Exceeds Expectations at “Know Your Numbers” Road Tour in Port Antonio, Portland

Ministry of Health and Wellness Exceeds Expectations at “Know Your Numbers” Road Tour in Port Antonio, Portland

Port Antonio, Portland—The Ministry of Health and Wellness successfully hosted its “Know Your Numbers” Road Tour at the Errol Flynn Marina, providing essential health screenings and education to the local community. Targeting 600 individuals, the event surpassed expectations, reflecting the community’s growing awareness of their health.

Dr. Dellorna Coombs, Medical Officer at the Portland Health Department and non-communicable disease coordinator for the parish, led the initiative. “Our event today reached and even exceeded our expectations. By mid-afternoon, we had already screened around 500 individuals, many of whom discovered crucial information about their blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels,” Dr. Coombs reported.

The event offered patrons free health checks that included BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose tests. For some attendees, the results were a direct passport to immediate care, highlighting the urgent need for such initiatives. ‘We encountered a few cases of hypertensive emergencies, which required us to send patients directly to the emergency room,’ Dr. Coombs added.

Dr. Emeka Madusolumuo, another health educator at the event, highlighted the dual benefit of screening and education. “It wasn’t just about identifying health issues but also educating our attendees on managing and improving their conditions.

Among the attendees was Natasha Williams, a local resident who brought her son along. “I heard about the event and thought we both needed to know our numbers. It turns out I have to pay more attention to my cholesterol. It’s good that we checked,” she commented, appreciating the actionable insights she gained.

The Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Chris Tufton, emphasized the broader significance of the initiative. “Many Jamaicans only seek medical help when in severe discomfort, often too late for effective intervention. Regular health checks can prevent severe health outcomes like strokes and heart attacks. This outreach is pivotal in educating our people to take proactive steps towards their health,” Dr. Tufton explained.

The “Know Your Numbers” Road Tour is part of a nationwide initiative to enhance public awareness and encourage regular health screenings among Jamaicans. Portland’s success underscores the critical importance and community desire for accessible health information and services.