Home Tenders Consultant to develop training module for HIV Drug Resistance, including online module

Consultant to develop training module for HIV Drug Resistance, including online module


Jamaica has an estimated HIV prevalence of 1.5% among the general population. Based on modeled estimates and case based surveillance data, it is estimated that 32,000 persons (National HIV Programme, 2021) are currently living with HIV in Jamaica. Approximately 86% of the estimated number is aware of their status. This is followed by a large gap in the continuum of care with 51% of those diagnosed on ARVs and 78% of those on treatment being virally suppressed (National HIV Programme, 2022).
The use of antiretroviral medication has increased significantly over the last decade, which has saved the lives of millions of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV). Increased use of HIV medicines has been accompanied by the emergence of HIV drug resistance, the levels of which have been increasing. HIV drug resistance can compromise the effectiveness of anti-retroviral drugs in reducing HIV incidence and HIV associated morbidity and mortality. Minimizing the spread of HIV drug resistance is a critical aspect of the global response to antimicrobial resistance that coordinated action across all government sectors and levels of society. Stopping HIV drug resistance is important to ensure the long-term efficacy and durability of available medicines to treat HIV (WHO, 2021).
HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) is caused by changes in the genetic structure of HIV that affect the ability of medicines to block the replication of the virus (WHO, 2021). HIVDR threatens the cost effectiveness and efficiency of any HIV programme. The Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) adopted the WHO’s recommendation for prevention and assessment of HIVDR and through partnership with the Pan American Health Organization, gained the capacity for HIV DR testing in 2019.
A HIVDR committee was formed and HIVDR protocols were instituted to guide health care workers in the eligibility and process flow, for clients requiring HIVDR testing. Based on this protocol, the treatment sites would submit requests for PLHIV for HIVDR, after review by the HIVDR committee it would be determined if the client required HIVDR at this time and the recommended course of action would be communicated to the treatment site.

Based on the potential impact of HIVDR on the treatment outcomes for PLHIV, a consultant is required to develop a training module for HIV Drug Resistance for the National HIV Programme. This training module would be two-fold, for face to face delivery as well as an online training module for asynchronous learning.


• To develop a HIV Drug Resistance training module for both, face to face delivery and for online delivery through asynchronous learning.


• Develop a HIV Drug Resistance Training module for face to face and online delivery
• Develop an assessment tool to determine the health care workers’ successful completion of the training module
• Provide a standard operating procedure for HIV drug resistance
• Provide job aides for HIV drug resistance testing


• Provide a detailed work plan, methodology for conducting the development of the various documents as per deliverables table below.
• A final training module for HIV drug resistance: Delivery by face to face instruction Delivery by  asynchronous online instruction
•  Assessment tool to determine successful completion of the training module
• Produce a standard operating procedure for HIV drug resistance testing
• Provide job aides for HIV drug resistance testing


• Knowledge of HIV and STI prevention and medical management
• Ability to work on his/her own initiative
• Excellent communication, facilitation, interpersonal and management skills
• Strong research, problem solving and analytical skills
• Keen attention to detail
• A valid Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN) and Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)


• A minimum of 5 years’ medical experience in the health sector
• Local experience in public health/primary health care
• Experience or training in the area of HIV and HIVDR
• Certification in Public Health would be an asset


Minimum score required =70:

Evaluation Criteria Maximum Score that May be Awarded
Possession of a Master’s Degree in Public Health or Health related field   


Experience 50
Min 2 yrs in development of guidelines and protocols 15
Min 3yrs field experience in HIV management, education or management 20
Experience in drug resistance testing 15
Adequacy of Proposed  

Methodology and Work Plan


Technical approach and methodology Work Plan

Work Plan 15
Financial Proposal Calculation 10
Total 100


By accepting the contract associated with this TOR, the successful applicant (the Consultant) agrees unequivocally to the following terms and conditions:

• That he/she will adhere to the specifications of the “deliverables and payment schedule”.
• That the submitted financial proposal includes all applicable charges relevant to the execution of activities associated with this project. Activities include (but not limited to) travel, material, accommodation, etc. In other words; no charges will be entertained that would not have been included in the applicant’s financial proposal.
• That for each payment in the said “deliverables and payment schedule”, payment will be made only after submission of the relevant and appropriate invoice/payment request by the Consultant, and after its approval by the Director of TCS in the HST Unit or by her/his designate.
• That the Ministry of Health and Wellness (HST Unit) is the sole owner of all the materials deemed products of this contract. The Consultant agrees and accepts that neither he /she, nor any member of his/her team may publish or otherwise use the said material without written prior permission from the Ministry of Health and Wellness (HST Unit). This holds true during the life of the contract and at all material times thereafter.
• That all members of the team composed by the Consultant agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of this agreement, as well as any other agreement reached in relation to this contract.


The individual will be contracted for the period is for two (2) months.






  1. Submit proposal and work plan
Work plan, data collection instruments, data analysis plan, and proposal submitted.   


  1. Draft module 
Training Module for HIV drug resistance, for face to face and online delivery   


  1. Draft document
An assessment tool for determining successful completion of the module 4 10%
  1. Draft documents
Produce a standard operating procedure for HIV drug resistance testing and job aides 4 15
  1. Final documents
Final documents relevant to items #2, #3 and #4 above.   


  1. All deliverables
All deliverables 8 100%

The Consultant will report directly to the Clinical Mentor and indirectly to the Director, Treatment, Care and Support of the HIV/STI/TB (HST) Unit.


The activity will be funded by the Global Fund Grant.