Home Tenders Terms of Reference Treatment of Medical Solid Wastes

Terms of Reference Treatment of Medical Solid Wastes


The health sector in Jamaica consists of both public and private facilities, which are all located by Health Regions, namely:

  • South East Regional Health Authority
  • North East Regional Health Authority
  • Western Regional Health Authority
  • Southern Regional Health Authority

All Regions are administered by the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) which takes the lead in the treatment and disposal of Medical Solid Waste, being the largest generator island wide. Presently, the MoHW operates only one (1) treatment facility, which handles the waste generated in the South East Region. This leaves a monthly shortfall of approximately 70,000 kgs of waste to be treated and disposed of nationally.

Consequently, the MoHW seeks to contract a suitable supplier to provide these services, to prevent a pile up of the medical wastes in the health facilities.



The main responsibilities under this contract are to:

  1. Collect Medical Solid Waste from the health regions in the MoHW.
  2. Have adequate facilities to store the waste for at least one (1) week up to the time of treatment and disposal.
  3. Emit discharges that meet the standards set the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA).
  4. Be in accordance with all stipulations of the Government of Jamaica, including environmental and public health regulations and guidelines.
  5. Ability to store, test and dispose of ash in keeping with NEPA licenses.



The contractor must provide a facility suitable to adequately store, treat, and dispose of 70,000 Kgs of medical solid wastes monthly from the MoHW.


Method of Payment

Payment will be processed based on the approval of the deliverable by the Director, Medical Solid Waste Management Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

The MoHW reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, work is incomplete, not delivered or fails to meet deadlines.



Key Performance Indicators

  • Excellent coordination with the staff of the MoHW to obtain the necessary information.
  • Provision of the necessary facilities to ensure the quality storage, treatment and disposal of the waste as stipulated.
  • Timely and successful completion the required tasks
  • Quality of the works.



Monthly payment will be made pursuant to the provision, acceptance and approval of invoices detailing the work done.


Duration of Work

The expected duration of this contract is twelve (12) months



The contractor shall report directly to Director, Medical Solid Waste Management Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.



  • The contractor must provide a team highly knowledgeable in the operations of the treatment facility. (25%)
  • More than five (5) years relevant experience in the management of solid waste with a preference in the engagement in works related to medical wastes. (25%)
  • Proven experience working with governmental or non-governmental agencies in the management of wastes. (15%)
  • Proven experience in the implementation of similar projects. (15%)
  • Capacity to treat 70,000 kgs of  Medical Waste per month (20%)


Selection Criteria

  • NEPA Permit
  • Highly knowledgeable team provided
  • Experience managing medical wastes
  • Experience working with other agencies
  • Capacity to treat 70,000 kgs of Medical Wastes per month
  • Capacity to dispose of ash based on NEPA specifications