Home Career Opportunities JCCM Administrative Coordinator National HIV Programme GMG/SEG 1 (Contract)

JCCM Administrative Coordinator National HIV Programme GMG/SEG 1 (Contract)


The JCCM Administrative Coordinator leads the Administrative activities of the JCCM (Jamaica Country Coordinating Mechanism) Secretariat and is accountable to the CCM. The CCM Secretariat supports the CCM to effectively implement a national disease strategy that pursues the goal of ending the diseases as pandemics by 2030. The CCM Secretariat facilitates the work of the CCM by enabling an effective governance mechanism using highly proficient political and technical skills. They maintain a repository of CCM documents, mediate in areas of dispute amongst members and act as an advisor for the CCM in-country. They also serve as a bridge between national stakeholders and the Global Fund Secretariat. In a regional context, the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM)’s JCCM Administrative Coordinator also supports the exchange and collaboration with CCMs and other multi-country initiatives.



  • Coordinate CCM and committee meetings;
  • Support the CCM to establish, review and update its rules and regulation framework documents;
  • Maintain CCM documentation and archives;
  • Support the CCM in the oversight of both the implementation of Global Fund grants and performance of Principal Recipients;
  • Support the CCM to manage the process of designing and developing proposals to submit to the Global Fund;
  • Support the CCM in communication to Global Fund and stakeholders; and
  • Support the CCM in processes of information sharing and publicity.



Core Function 1: Operations – Lead the CCM Secretariat and support the operational structures of the CCM

  • Respond to the operational needs of the CCM particularly supporting CCM leadership, including ensuring all members are knowledgeable about Global Fund strategic and technical directives and guidelines, and enabling member engagement as required (coordinating logistics, facilitating participation and circulating minutes).
  • Lead the Secretariat team in supporting CCM members and fulfilling its obligations to the Global Fund such as financial reporting on CCM funding and adherence to CCM eligibility requirements.
  • Lead the Secretariat team in supporting CCM committees: those that are permanent (e.g., executive, oversight, governance) and temporary (e.g., elections).
  • Provide orientation and training to new CCM members or refresher trainings to CCM members.
  • Act as custodian and mediator of ethical and governance matters to protect the integrity of the CCM as a whole, such as applying the Ethical Code of Conduct to all CCM Secretariat staff and CCM members and resolving issues as they arise.
  • In coordination with the Global Fund Country Team, assist the CCM leadership in the development, costing and implementation of annual CCM priorities, including identifying related capacity gaps.
  • Develop procedures (including ToRs informed by all relevant stakeholders) and templates for Global Fund-related processes, such as assessments of the performance of the CCM, and financial management of the CCM Secretariat budget.
  • On a continuous basis, document information regarding CCM operations and ensure robust management of key documents.
  • Provide support to the Global Fund Country Team and other stakeholders from the Global Fund, for example, Board members and parliamentarians from donor countries, working towards the common goal of ending the three diseases as pandemics by 2030.


Core Function 2: Oversight – Enhance efficiency of oversight procedures as per Global Fund processes

  • Under the CCM leadership, support all relevant aspects of the Global Fund access to funding processes – national strategic plan, gap analysis, request for funding design stages through the final signature of Global Fund grants by Principal Recipients (PRs) – and ensure that all processes are documented, led and informed by appropriate data-based decision-making.
  • With the relevant resources from the Secretariat team, support the oversight committee in its mandate of gathering and analyzing grant and national data. Support the oversight committee in developing recommendations to CCM leadership to resolve bottlenecks or suggest solutions such as technical cooperation needs. In transitioning contexts, support the oversight committee in overseeing transition workplans and implementation of transition readiness assessment recommendations.
  • Accompany the CCM through the process to access Global Fund support, including coordinating the country dialogue and PR selection process. The funding request will be aligned to the country context and global goals to end the pandemics.
  • After the grant-making process, in partnership with the Global Fund Country Team and with the relevant resources from the CCM Secretariat team, oversee a “knowing your grant” orientation of the CCM.
  • Advocate on behalf of national stakeholders and CCM members on areas of Global Fund-related requirements linked to accessing the country’s full Global Fund grant allocation. This includes the country adhering to co-financing commitments and/or PRs improving grant performance.


Core Function 3: Positioning – Facilitate political discussions and strengthen sustainability efforts

  • Develop proposals for the CCM leadership and the Global Fund on the appropriate positioning of the CCM and document the necessary linkages between the CCM and all other significant coordinating platforms in the country. The main purpose being to support harmonization and strengthened efficiency (both in terms of governance bodies and in the fight against the three diseases). In countries where a disease component/s is preparing for or transitioning from Global Fund financing, focus on documenting links to other platforms that are relevant to transition preparedness, planning and implementation.
  • Attend and support other national health platforms to bring the voice of the CCM and also to identify synergies in the coordination of health and donor investment.
  • Facilitate the CCM’s role in sustainability and transition planning and implementation, including ensuring strong inclusion of civil society and participating in efforts to strengthen sustainability of Global Fund investments.[1]


Core Function 4: Engagement – Foster meaningful, inclusive and active participation of key stakeholders

  • Work with the Global Fund Country Team, PRs and CCM to discuss Global Fund communications, and guide the CCM on their implications for actions and relevant adjustments.
  • Engage with senior government officials to promote the role of the CCM in the national health landscape.
  • Ensure that credible and verified community input on the CCM is brought to high-level government discussions in order to drive a more informed response to the three diseases.
  • Carry out additional tasks under all the above-mentioned functional areas as requested by the CCM, according to its context and threshold level.



Performance Metrics
Key Task/Activity SMART Metrics
1.    Operations – Lead the CCM Secretariat and support the operational structures of the CCM       i. All CCM members oriented, including on Ethical Code of Conduct, within three months of becoming a member.

    ii. CCM Governance documents reviewed at least every two years, including positioning updates.

  iii. Programmatic data is available on time for oversight and funding request processes.

2.    Oversight – Enhance efficiency of oversight procedures following Global Fund processes       i. High quality, on time reports shared with key stakeholders.

    ii. CCM funding budget at 95% absorption over the three-year funding cycle.

  iii. Oversee one “knowing your grant” activity once a year.

3.    Positioning – Facilitate political discussions and strengthen sustainability efforts       i. Participate in two stakeholder consultations annually. Consultations should bring together stakeholders on coordinating and aligning platforms and include the civil society voice.

    ii. Documented dialogue with one high-level government official non- CCM member annually.

  iii. Strengthening sustainability – Ensure inclusion of sustainability and transition preparedness topics on the CCM meeting agenda; facilitate briefings on co-financing commitments every six months to the CCM.

   iv. Where relevant, (i.e. particularly in portfolios preparing to transition from Global Fund financing) ensure inclusion of updates on implementation of transition plans on CCM meeting agenda.

4.    Engagement – Foster meaningful, inclusive and active participation of key stakeholders       i. Annual performance evaluation that includes CCM member feedback.



  • First degree in public health, finance, public administration or business administration, or related field.
  • At least 3 years of professional experience (international or national) working in planning, and management in the humanitarian sector.
  • Experience in public health and disease program management with focus on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
  • Documented experience of managing a team.
  • Working level of English as well as knowledge of the local language
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications especially Excel / Access, email, internet and websites essential.



  • Typical working environment, no adverse working conditions



Interested persons should submit their application along with resume no later than

June 9, 2022 via email to jobapplications.moh@gmail.com


Applications must be addressed to:

Director, Human Resource Management & Development

Ministry of Health & Wellness

10a Chelsea Avenue, Kingston 5


We thank all candidates for responding, however only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.