Jamaica has provided the world with a view into its suite of interventions to rein in the epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) affecting its population.
“Jamaica is committed to re-orienting, re-strategising, prioritising and implementing impactful evidence-based interventions tailored to the local context and strengthening surveillance monitoring and research through the development and adoption of digital solutions. We continue to implement initiatives that accelerate our response to NCD prevention and control,” noted Dr. Jacquiline Bisasor-McKenzie, Chief Medical Officer (CMO).
The CMO was making the intervention at the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland on Tuesday (May 24).
Among the actions to be taken, the CMO revealed, is the revamp of the island’s world-famous Jamaica Moves Programme with initiatives in communities, schools and workplaces that promote physical activity as well as healthy eating and lifestyle.
“We have solidified our physical activity schedule of activities by engaging Physical Activity Coordinators in all health regions to energise and prioritise this area,” the CMO explained.
Also in the plan are continued efforts to reduce the sugar content in beverages sold in schools, salt reduction and initiating discussions on trans-fat elimination.
“We have initiated studies on salt consumption as well as on the prevalence of trans fat in our foods. The National Infant and Young Child Feeding Policy is also at an advanced stage of discussions. We are also at an advanced stage towards implementation of a Comprehensive Tobacco legislation with this set to be tabled in Parliament this year,” the CMO said.
“We also continue to partner with civil society groups and NGOs (while) the multi-sectoral National Committee on NCD has been established and will provide oversight for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs which is currently being updated,” the CMO added.