Home Press Releases SERHA Implementing Measures to Improve Infection Control

SERHA Implementing Measures to Improve Infection Control

The South East Regional Health Authority has installed 307 hand washing stations as part of measures being implemented to improve infection control in all its secondary care facilities.

Under the project, 411 foot operated hand washing stations will be installed in all the hospitals that fall under SERHA’s responsibility. These include the Kingston Public and Victoria Jubilee Hospitals (KPH/VJH), Bustamante Hospital for Children, Hope Institute, Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre, National Chest, Princess Margaret, Spanish Town and Linstead Hospitals.

“The new hand washing stations will replace the traditional hand operated ones. Over 100 of the 307 stations are already installed at KPH/VJH,” Dr. Andrei Cooke, SERHA Board Chairman explained. “Proper hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections in hospitals and so the installation of these types of hand washing stations is in keeping with best practice in the prevention of infection in our hospitals. This will foster an environment that is safe for patients, staff and visitors.”

The hand washing stations are being installed in the high risk service delivery areas such as maternity/obstetrics, operating theatre, neonatal unit, intensive care unit and accident and emergency department. The project is valued at $15 Million, and is being funded by the National Health Fund. It began in September 2014 and is slated to be completed by the end of September 2015.