Home Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccination AstraZeneca in stock – Those due second dose urged to get the jab

AstraZeneca in stock – Those due second dose urged to get the jab

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton has reassured Jamaicans that there are adequate supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine in country, while urging those persons who are due their second dose to get the jab.

“We are not out of AstraZeneca vaccines. We have some 390,180 in stock and so people and in particular those who are due their second dose need not panic. We have doses available for you,” said Dr. Tufton, speaking at the Ministry’s COVID Conversation and press conference last evening.

The Minister’s remarks come as the Ministry continues its efforts to achieve a 65% vaccination target for the population by March 2022.

Members of the public are being reminded that the AstraZeneca vaccine is a two-dose vaccine. Persons who received a first dose must ensure that they also receive a second dose in order to receive the maximum benefits from their vaccination, notably a reduction in the chance of severe illness, hospitalisation and/or death associated with COVID-19.  

Persons now due the second dose of AstraZeneca, or who may be due in the coming weeks, will have their appointments scheduled and should look out for a text message with confirmation details. If this message is not received, persons should visit the nearest vaccination site for the jab. Persons are not fully vaccinated until they have received the two doses.