Home Coronavirus 83% of Day 1 Vaccination Target Met

83% of Day 1 Vaccination Target Met

In keeping with its Vaccination Implementation Plan, the Ministry of Health & Wellness began administering vaccines on Wednesday, March 10 in 39 vaccination sites across the island. With a target to inoculate approximately 3,280 members of the priority group, some sites begin vaccination at 8:00 a.m. and ended at 10:00 p.m. At the close of all the centres, 83% of the target for day was met.

Notably, the Western Region exceeded its target of 530, by inoculating 804 persons (152%). The Northeast Region hit 99% of its target with 514 persons vaccinated, six persons short of the target for day. The Southeast Region and Southern Region reached 63% (1,208) and 64% (192) of their targets respectively.

Most of the vaccination sites were hospitals and health centres in the four regional health authorities. The national focus, however, was on the Good Samaritan’s Inn in Kingston, where Public Health Nurse, Marcia Thomas Yettman was the first person in Jamaica to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Nurse Yettman was among the 67 persons who were vaccinated at that centre. Professor Denise Eldermire Shearer was the first person over 60 years old to receive the vaccine, while Mr. Patrick Scott was the first male over 60 years old to be inoculated.  

Notably among the other persons who received their first dose at the Good Samaritan’s Inn on Wednesday, were Former Governor General Sir Kenneth Hall and Lady Hall. Former Prime Ministers, Rt. Hon. PJ Patterson, Hon. Bruce Golding and Mrs. Golding, and various heads of associations representing Nurses, Doctors, Junior Doctors, Civil Service, Trade Unions, Correctional Services and Churches were also vaccinated on Wednesday.

The Ministry of Health & Wellness is aiming to vaccinate just over 17,000 persons in the next seven days.